Glossary / Abbreviations

To help you understand the some of the terminology and 'jargon' that may be used when purchasing a property, we have complied this listing.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

paired data analysis - A quantitative technique used to identify and measure adjustments to the sale prices or rents of comparable properties; to apply this technique, sales or rental data on nearly identical properties are analyzed to isolate a single characteristic's effect on value or rent.

Passed In - The highest bid fails at an auction to meet the reserve price of a property and consequently the property is not sold.

pkg, prkg - parking

pol flrs - polished floors

Portfolio Investing - describes the combination of investments across various asset classes. Portfolio investing is a method of diversifying your investments, to minimise investment risk

pos - position

Positve Cash Flow - Positive cash flow means that more money is coming into the owning entity than is being spent on outgoings on the property. Negative cash flow is the opposite.

Principal - The amount of money borrowed which is still to be repaid to the mortgagee.

Probate - is the process by which the court approves a will as valid and appoints an executor to carry it out

Prospectus - is a document giving all information on an investment. This prospectus is registered with the Registrar of Companies, and contains more detailed information than does the Investment Statement.

pw, p/w - per week

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