Ask an Expert Archive

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Property Management

Renting out sleepouts

Caravan renting

Using sleepout for Airbnb

Accommodating repairs

Using rent over-payment

Landlords' rental access

Renting out a sleep-out

Compensating repairs

Appliance repair responsibility

Rental replacement

Cooking smell protection

Disclosing tenant information

Terminating a tenancy

Changing lightbulbs

Unlawful access by tenant's relative

Investment prospects in Hamilton

Insurance for tenant damage

Utility bill responsibilities

Name suppression in Tribunal orders

Failure in duties

Bad neighbours & absentee landlord

Third party in 14 day notice

Concern over property manager

Questionable fees

Tenants changing boundary fence

Taking over management of rental

Getting out of property management contract

Water standards

Door compliance

Friend as property manager?

Tradie quote costs

Giving 42 days notice

Mould liability

Unreachable property manager

Notice to remedy for untidy tenants

Sale of Property fee

Additional property management costs

Utility cost bundling

Shower head issues

Inspection authority

Minor dwelling request

Renting room-by-room

Utilities charges

Smoke alarm authority

Thorny insulation issue

Wallpaper repairs

Dispute over management funds

Changing tenancy terms

Covering windows

Replacing light bulbs

Demanding tenants

Habitability considerations

Landlord inspection rights

Plumbing repair woes

Heat pump request

Rent reparation

Bond dispute

Fight damage liability

Property manager issues

Dog damage liability

Weed management

Noisy neighbours

Reasonably practicable insulation

Property manager termination

Maintenance responsibility

Communication concerns

Tenants' duty of care

Property management disputes

Property manager responsibilities

Compliance liability

Paint it back

Getting tenant info

Communication break-down

Body corp need?

Reinforcing RTA smoke alarm requirements

Storage risks

Lease obligations

Letting fee refund?

End of contract fees

Damage claims

Reasonable flooding care

Rental property compliance

Self-manage vs property manager

Carpet woes

Rental arrears issues

Floor wear & tear

Remote replacement costs

Turning bay concerns

Pre-tenancy meth testing

Wall surface problems

Boarding house owner obligations

Failure to claim bond

Tenancies in divided house

Level of management authority

Treehouse health & safety

Tenancy termination negotiations

Terminating property manager's contract

Short term accommodation bonds

Maintenance cost communication

Deductibility of break fees

Fixing garage doors

Establishing standard practice

RTA coverage

Managing insulation requirements

Owner occupier time

Carpet cleaning pressure

Property manager refusal

Tenant reno arrangements

Property management 101

Clarifying communication lines

Spouting repair considerations

Warning vs privacy

Rising damp

Negligent property manager?

Earthquake notification

Negligent property manager?

Indemnity for property managers

Property management changeover

Damp concerns

Unreliable property manager

Property manager guarantees

Insulation requirements

No letting fee

Maintenance during notice period

Damaged wallpaper responsibility

Replacing HRV filters

Dealing with shoddy property management

Terminating property management contract

Letting fee problem

Carpet problems

Keen tenants

Water damage responsibility

Tenants restricting entry

Over-riding property manager's tenant selection

Bond dispute

Onerous exit inspection

Property manager contract

High power consumption

Liability for power tool costs

Tenancy contract breach costs

Tenant room painting

Water charging

Curtain installation

Unapproved fibre installation

Property needs repairs!

Considering selling

Property manager needed?

Mr nice guy

Massive damage under property manager

Splitting power

Cancelling property management contract

"Absolutely disappointed" with property manager

Rogue property manager?

Paint repair quote excessive?

Tenant’s domestic violence

Checking chattels

Right of entry

Tenant compensation for paint inconvenience?

Are letting fees refundable?

Tabling chattels

"Doubtful" on tenancy hardship

Second property manager?

"Dank and damp" smell

Ending property management contract

Who pays for water tank repairs?

Obliged to move in?

Plumbing “service fee”

Lingering complaint about property manager

Who pays for safety light?

Is second letting fee legit?

Built-up water bills

Good property manager please?

Hot water call outs

New landlord, where to start?

Using multiple property managers?

Fed up with property managers!

Too many tenants next door?

Questions on inspection

Project management fee?

Property manager problem

Childcare centre at rental

Noisy renovations disturbance

Leaky shower headache

Letting fee refund?

Property manager problem

Seeking compensation

Power problems with neighbour

Losing sleep over wall problem

Rent in advance on settlement

Tribunal decision against us and property manager

On the rocks

Dispute with "soon to be ex" property manager

Dealing with property manager dispute?

Cold house - wanting out of fixed term

"Appropriate level of discount" for rent?

Renovating tenanted property?

Maximum occupants - when two become three?

Letting fee back when tenancy didn't go ahead?

Changing tenancy term

Unauthorised maintenance cost

Property manager holding funds?

Property management transfer

Finding a good property manager?

Viewings for re-let?

Tenant refusing EQC repairs move

Thin wall problems

Who pays TV antenna damage?

Third party letting?

Bathroom heating obligations?

Privacy around inspection photos

High power bill problem

Who deals with deck lichen?

Damage left behind

Stepping in for sister

Alarmed and scared

Property manager oblivious

Broken dishwasher?

Wastewater charges?

Carpet stains complication

Septic problems

Poor insulation

Costs after moving out

Slowly degrading house

Letting fee refund?

Neglected bathroom repairs?

Carpet clean enforcement?

Over monthly water billing

Re-paint problems

On-charging water

Unhappy with property manager

Recovering carpet damage?

Breaking lease?

Wondering about letting fee

Formal process to end fixed-term tenancy?

Dog of a neighbour?

Tenant lost garage door opener

TV digital changeover?

Rent increase at property changeover?

Forwarding mail on?

Rent increase for fixed-term tenancy?

Volumetric wastewater?

Who pays fixed water charge?

Overseas landlord?

Passing on water costs

Credit check?

Window catches for tenants?

Who pays dryer installation?

Slippery pathway

Fair breaking lease fee?

New property manager please

Leaking money

Property manager slow on rent follow-up

Road to recovery

Bathroom leak - what to do?

Property management software

Open-home interruptions

Who pays for repairs?

Multi-let apartment

Joint ownership and renting

In breach of tenancy agreement?

WINZ rent AP stopped

Lock unchanged - who is liable?

Former property manager butting in

Property management software?

Increase in property management fee

Addressing rent

Mistaken rent refund

Getting rid of new tenants

Bad tenants registry access

Open home induces rent-reduction demands from tenant

How do I lay a complaint against a Property Manager?

Responsibilities for damage to property

Getting out

How can I enforce cleanliness from tenants?

Red-stickered, how does this affect our tenant and our rental income?

Are property managers required to be registered?

Change of tenant issues

Resolving issues with your property manager

Landlord's obligation for smoke alarms

Selling without an agent?

Rent roll sold, where do I stand?

How do I invest from overseas?

Can I amend my tenants contract as the new landlord?

'Lazy and remiss' property management company, what can I do?

Install or not install a TV aerial?

Reference riddle

Can landlords beak a fixed term tenancy?

Ending fixed-term tenancy, is tenant liable for rent?

Travelling Landlord

Old debt, slow repayments

Bond before move in?

Not happy on return to sender

Finance & Strategy

Gains or yields?

Apartment strategy risks

Forming a company

Loan structure split

Working out next move

Investing post-lockdown

Future rental income

Efficient debt structure

Mortgage-free rental

Investing overseas earnings in NZ rentals

Invest or reduce loan?

Taxing subdivided land

Funding trading

Structure for rental

Getting into investing

Work change impact

Best rental structure

Getting into investing

Maximising borrowing potential

Equity for family purchase?

Calculating equity

Renting to yourself

Strategic directions

Start-up advice

Lending restructures

Kiwisaver for 2nd home

Costing separate titles

Assessing options

Rent or sell in quiet market?

SuperCity investing options

Leverage strategies

Relationship property agreements

Effective leveraging

Joint venture options

Declaring overseas debt

Ownership change

Sell or hold?

Boarding house claims

Using equity to add value

Calculating potential ROI

Accessing investment lending

Sell or rent?

LVRs on home to rental

Non-bank lending options

Restructuring mortgage portfolios

Beneficial arrangements

Retirement considerations

Cutting losses in Christchurch

Changing purpose

Switch to rental

Exploring deposit options

Bank LVR application

Woolston investment dilemma

Low income investing options

Taxable gains

Changing property use

Insurance for EQ prone buildings

Avoiding new build LVR vagaries

Moving forward

Structuring subdivision build

Change in circumstances

Secondary occupiers under the LVRs

Relocation tax considerations

Investing without cash flow

Sell, invest or hold?

Legal transfer service

Riding out low cash flow

Owner occupier to landlord

Servicing equity

Accessing equity

Loan movements

Sell or hold in Kingsland

Loan structure options

Trans-Tasman investment taxes

Safe strategy

Getting the right loan structure

Sell or hold freehold property?

Is LTC necessary?

Equity issues under LVRs

LTC movements

Interest deductibility

Right time to invest?

First property decision

Friendly loan help

Missed Hamilton boat?

Securing finance for Trust investment

Strategy for inheritance

Restructuring loans for rental property

Farm cross securitisation

Best approach for first property?

Looking to buy

Returning to NZ

Loan options

Looking at Raglan

New Zealand equity

Options at 61?

$200,000 to invest

Recommendations for next step

Small town considerations

Mortgage optimisation

Buying in a small town

Hold or sell in Christchurch?

Next step

Finance on return to NZ?

Ready to go

Cautious nest egg plans

Next step up

Helping kids or ourselves?

Sorting interest costs

Gearing a clad house

Better money use?

Investment options at 47?

Looking south for investment

Ideal yield?

Revolving credit structure

Structuring second house?

Multi-income property

Rent-to-buy coming back?

What to do with extra cash?

Restructuring mortgage for minor dwelling

Sell this summer or next?

To sell or not to sell?

Building over buying?

Helping daughter into property

Timing and strategy in Auckland market?

Growth in Auckland units?

Pointers for cash investment

Cautiously keen

'Stepping out' - first investment advice

Australian equity

Equity looking good

Stepping up options

Spread borrowing?

Rent to buy high deposit?

Maximising benefits?

Spread lending?

Redundancy planning

Preparing for retirement

Gaining equity

Fix or float?

Heading overseas - sell or rent?

Getting serious on speculation

Cash or mortgage?

Right loan structure?

One house or a few?

Doing the numbers

Australia Investment

Keep floating?

Family equity

Bank and strategy change?

Paying down mortgage?

Structure for increasing investments

Funding house extension

Refinance and restructure?

What to do with apartment?

Help or hindrance?

Broadening banking horizons?

New property investors

Accessing equity

Looking for broker

Considering return on investment

Wanting to own

South Auckland returns?

Opportunity cost

Property investment hopes

Sell or rent?

Investing with inherited property

Structuring Your Assets

High equity, low income

Divide and conquer with a revolving credit structure

Land to Expand?

Cash-rich, how should I invest?

Equity puzzle

Buy, Buy, Buy

Overseas property models


Small apartment development

Leasehold vs freehold

Apartment change of use

Auckland apartment investing

Apartment repair tangle

Apartment insulation requirements

Plumbing cost liability?

Commission in private sale?

“In the dark” on leased apartment

Reclad or rebuild

Scoping apartment market

“Unbearable” noise

Apartment "next best thing"

"Morons" ignore fire evacuation

Building manager’s apartment

Furnish apartment or not?

Selling tenanted apartment

Queenstown apartments?

Auction due diligence

Body corporate fee rising

Capital apartment value concern

Earthquake prone apartment

Furnishing serviced apartments?

Leasehold apartment returns?

Reading into water

Apartment returns

Body corporate matters

Making sense of apartment rent

Apartment pipe defect - who pays?

Ins and outs of lease apartment

To furnish or not to furnish in Hamilton

Locked out costs incurred

Hotel Management vs Property Management.

Concerns about buying apartments

Cash or Capital Gain?

How do I sell my apartment?

Value ground down

How do I protect against ground rent increases?


Small apartment development

Leasehold vs freehold

Apartment change of use

Auckland apartment investing

Apartment repair tangle

Apartment insulation requirements

Plumbing cost liability?

Commission in private sale?

“In the dark” on leased apartment

Reclad or rebuild

Scoping apartment market

“Unbearable” noise

Apartment "next best thing"

"Morons" ignore fire evacuation

Building manager’s apartment

Furnish apartment or not?

Selling tenanted apartment

Queenstown apartments?

Auction due diligence

Body corporate fee rising

Capital apartment value concern

Earthquake prone apartment

Furnishing serviced apartments?

Leasehold apartment returns?

Reading into water

Apartment returns

Body corporate matters

Making sense of apartment rent

Apartment pipe defect - who pays?

Ins and outs of lease apartment

To furnish or not to furnish in Hamilton

Locked out costs incurred

Hotel Management vs Property Management.

Concerns about buying apartments

Cash or Capital Gain?

How do I sell my apartment?

Value ground down

How do I protect against ground rent increases?


Interest deductibility on new builds

Transfer properties from LTC to Family Trust

Home and income property purchase in Australia

Interest tax deductibility rules

Asbestos removal costs

Taxing changes are favouring new builds

Boarding house and GST

GST on the rent

Interest & tax deductibility

Trust transfer benefits

Claiming rental losses

Remediation tax issues

Re-ordering portfolio

Deductions on rental expenses

Filing of taxable income

Restructuring successfully

Transferring shares in LTC

Dilapidation repair deductions?

Subdivision taxes

Complete LTC picture

Property management GST

Structuring for development

Trust matters

Real estate fees

Changing ownership structure

Fence painting conflict

GST & second hand goods provision

Low-value asset depreciation

Bright line liability?

Settle for limited liability

GST quandary

GST considerations

Swapping old for new

Non-resident AIL queries

Restructuring arrangements

Deductibility of work in flat share structure

Second dwelling deductibility?

Off-the-plan interest deduction

Accounting for expenses

Trans-Tasman structuring issues

GST registration

Structuring foundations

Short-term rental tax considerations

Income, rents & super

GST query

Weighing up restructuring

Granny flat taxes

Deductible - or not

Bright line exemption?

Transitioning to an LTC

Rental tax obligations

Duel country tax obligations

Filing tax returns after many years

Office investment

Structure around main use

Tax return obligations

Leaky unit deduction

Shed rental payments

Working out tax

Rental deductions

Tax returns for property in joint names

Provisional tax on sold rental

Personal ownership vs LTC

Commission on GST

Repair deduction options

Development taxes

Rental expenses deductibility

GST on property management

Structuring mortgages

Double Trusts?

Trust deductions

Intentions and tax

Gifted money

Subdivision taxes

Cross border structuring

Restructuring for taxes

Tax & family trusts

Getting bright line right

CGT worry

Transferring loans

Revoking LTC status

Granny flat deductions

Correct purchase structure

Potential CGT impact

Cross border tax matters

GST on commercial rents

Taxing rental income

To LTC or not to LTC?

UK rental sale taxes

Trust beneficiary taxes

Ending an LTC

Taxing subdivisions

Developer or investor?

Selling up taxes

GST quandary

Leasee GST claims

Sub-division tax sums

Rent-to-buy tax

Power meter expenditure

Mixed use calculations

Aussie capital gains

Flatmate rent income

Declaring rental income

Limited tax liability

Claiming tax on rental interest

Parking conundrum

Chattels deduction

Deducting costs from rental income

LTC transfer?

Rental restructuring

Ownership restructure

Share interest costs

Accounting options

Boarder tax solution?

Offsetting CGT in Australia

LTC fund transfers

Trans-Tasman taxes

Trust funds

Chattel depreciation payback

Defining a boarder

Interest deductability

Asset protection structure

Cross border tax issues

Kitchen confusion

Taxable capital gain?

Tax when helping kids

Deductibility criteria

Deductible skylight work

Carrying foward losses

New build tax liability

Boarding house GST

Claimable repairs?

Second hand goods rule

Setting up an LTC

Overseas tax query

Depreciation breakdown

GST on mixed purchase

CGT for trading only

QC restructure

Dealing with flatmate income

Interest deductibility problem

Shifting mortgages impact on tax

Australian tax considerations

Subdivision tax considerations

Renting income considerations

LTC share changes

Mixed use treehouse asset

Taxing flatmates vs boarders

Do-up sale tax rules

No loss deductions

Tax liabilities for LTC property

AirBnB tax calculations

Overseas move impact

GST sale considerations

Property management beginner

Structuring first investment

Transitional tax residents

Voluntary tax disclosures

Choosing a vehicle for new rental

To LTC or not to LTC

Rental income tax

GST for commercial rental

Tax efficiency for landlord-tenants

Rental transfer to LC

Lack of IRD knowledge

Tax deductibility for rental

Tax residency concerns

Trans-Tasman depreciation

GST registration for apartment purchase

Sub-let GST confusion

Tenants in common partnership

Taxing land question

Loss on sale

Deduction for study fees

Selling investments to LTC

Change structure?

Depreciation costs - now or later?

Gifting expenses?

Part ownership deductibility?

Pay off NZ debt?

Fair accounting fee?

Tax deductibility from US

Investor vs trader?

Transferring debt

More than minor subdivision?

Best ownership structure?

Utilising line of credit

GST on mixed-use property

Am I a trader?

Splitting depreciation

Tax structure for two properties

Best tax options for move to Australia?

Wages for wife

Deregistering GST

Trust scenario numbers

New home's tax back?

Moving tax impact

Chattel depreciation

Vendor's GST payable

Subdivision 10 year rule

Vendor's GST status

Moving debt around

Capital options

"Sensible" structure

Capital gains tax on rentals?

“Arms-length” rental for son

Property trading tax?

Depreciation recovery time limit?

Tax on self-contained unit?

Bringing flatmates in

Tax avoidance?

Deductible rental costs?

GST on residential rental?

Buy and sell with LTC

GST on leased hotel

Making the most of debt?

Tax rates for rental profits?

New fence deductibility?

Claiming leaky building costs?

Depreciation clawback on cashing in

Vehicle costs deductibility?

Holiday spot's short-term rental

Tax relief for earthquake strengthening work?

Maximising interest deductibility?

“Double whammy" on sale

Chattel depreciation payback?

Deductibility "classic dilemma"

Subdivide now or later?

Renovate rental property or sell?

Extracting equity from NZ?

No return filed - "should I expect a big tax bill"?

Claiming insulation for creaking floorboards?

GST registration on short term rentals?

Can LTC shareholder live overseas?

Structure for home and income property?

Refinancing after 'deemed sale' from LTC

Tax on subdivision?

Garden shed depreciation

Loss on coastal property

Post 2012 building disposal loss?

Tenants vs flatmates?

Claiming deposit loss?

Claiming furnishing expenses

Rates payment in advance?

Splitting decision

Is new roof tax deductible?

Replacing oven

Reworking for families?

Income tax options?

Relative deductions?

ACC levies on rental income?

CGT issues from OZ?

Refurbishment depreciation?

GST on serviced apartments?

Plus GST problems

Depreciation recovery

Filing from Singapore

Calculating loss on sale

Tax impact from LAQC changes

Not a trader!

GST on apartment rent?

Simplifying accounting

Strata title matters

Looking ahead

Burning question on depreciation

Case-by-case depreciation

Moving tax implications

Co-owned rental accounting

Moving on from LAQC

Re-piling depreciation?

Big Aussie issues

Valuing chattels

Capital vs maintenance?

Granny flat income

Changing bank security costs?

First things first

Loan use determines deductibility

Floor sanding - deductible?

Is re-roofing capital or repair?

Is insulation maintenance?

Non-resident withholding tax on UK rental?

Does depreciation need to be paid back to IRD?

Detached deck depreciation?

Flatmate tax implications?

Taxing subdivision?

Splitting property loss?

Property manager DIY

Deducting foreign debt?

New partner, new property

GST on short-term accommodation

Structuring loans across two properties

Dishwasher depreciation

Moving into LTC property

Structure for accidental landlord

Foreign owned property

Capital gains on home and income?

Flat confusion - LTC

Losses on overseas rental

Group investment

Short term rental

Depreciation recovery on property sales

Claiming depreciation

Investing from Australia

Accounting for an increasing portfolio

Structuring property ownership

Tax Set-up

Unit title concerns

Separate companies

What's in a date?

Can I revalue my asset to offset tax?

Taxing issues in NZ for overseas-based investors

Ex-pats get tax back

On shaky ground

Should I restructure post property crash?

Off-setting costs not so simple

How have things changed under new LTC rules?

Choosing your structures for traders

Is my daughter liable for tax?

Is this income taxable?

What's the best form of structure now?

Disposing of property following a partnership split

Optimum ownership for partnership structures

Your choices with the new LAQC rules

Can I sign over my LAQC?

Change in circumstances forces restructure

Can a Trust have a shareholding in a LAQC?

Best structure for trading

Claiming on subdivision of family home

Has my company lost its LAQC status?

Trust or LAQC

A Trans-Tasman Tangle

Determining life expectancy of a building

Old house, new questions

How does my profit attract ACC?

How will LAQC refinancing change under the new rules?

Will selling to my LAQC trigger tax issues?

Tenants in Common structure

Registered valuation or capital value?

Depreciation recovery when landlords move into rentals

Balancing the debate on possible TWG initiatives

Do I pay tax on any gains if I subdivide before 10 years ownership?

What property ownership structure would you recommend?

Claiming tax for repair work carried out

To depreciate or not?

Tax obligations if changing status to non-NZ tax resident

Process to close LAQC due to separation of partners

Claiming profits and losses from a Trust

Which is the best option Trust/LAQC?

Will I be subject to CGT if I add-value and sell?

How do I wind up my LAQC?

Claiming depreciation

Will LAQC changes encourage investors to sell?

Taxation status of LAQC under the new regime

Tax issues with NZ property when living overseas

Can I let to a family member if I am overseas?

Can a Trust help me offset property losses?

How should I structure my assets?

Transfer of ownership to LAQC process

Protecting properties through structures

Claiming depreciation

Likely outcome of the government's continued focus on LAQC's?

Australian tax query

How should I re-structure if I relocate overseas?

Will potential CGT be retrospective?

Leasing land tax implications?

Can I claim a rental loss from my Trust when I am residing in it?

How can we minimise our losses from overseas?

Are subdivision costs tax deductable?

Can I claim depreciation on insulation costs?

Would IRD view this as tax avoidance?

Tax and proceeds when selling overseas property

LAQCs and foreign companies

Can I claim expenses incurred during renovating?

Double tax whammy

Am I liable for capital gains tax?

Should we restructure into an LAQC?

What is a depreciation schedule?

Can I live in my depreciated rental?

How do I get chattels valued so I can claim depreciation?

Can I claim for my maintenance time through LAQC?

Can I claim for repainting my whole investment property?

How should I structure my assets if moving to Australia?

Relationship separation; how do we un-structure our portfolio?

Comments around Capital Gains

What should I consider prior to leaving NZ and my rental?

Can we claim any expenses in the 12 months prior to settlement?

Is LAQC a good option for us?

How should I structure an investment purchase?

What are the advantages of having a Trust?

I sold my Trust to our LAQC, do we pay tax?

How does gifting to a Trust work?

How can I make mortgage payments tax deductable?

Transferring from trusts to LAQCs

Advantages and disadvantages of LAQC

What tax liabilities do I have as an Australian resident investing in NZ?

Should I purchase my second investment through LAQC?

To Trust or not to Trust, which is the best option?

Will I have to pay tax on any capital gain?

How can I reduce my tax obligations?

What are the benefits of an LAQC for overseas investors?

What expenses can I claim?

Should I start a Trust or LAQC?

How do I sell my home to my LAQC and rent it out?

Can I rent my property from my LAQC?

How can I be more tax efficient with overseas investment?

LAQC or Tust? Which is the better option?

Which is the best option, Trust or LAQC?

If I rent from my LAQC, what are the tax implications?

How do I get the full tax benefits of a LAQC?

Has Capital Gains Tax become law?

How many directors should I have for my LAQC?

What info do I need to give IRD for tax returns?

How do I offset property tax if I move to Australia?

Is an LAQC right for me?

I'm a Kiwi living in Australia, how do I file my property tax returns?

Why should I restructure my assets if no beneficiaries?

Do I need a valuation for depreciation purposes?

Are we committing tax avoidance?

Can we rent out our family trust owned property?

Can I claim tax deductability if I mortgage my rental?

Do we need a partnership tax number?

Are there tax benefits to owning a rental home?

Are Trusts the best strategy to avoid tainting?

What property value do I have to use for LAQC depreciation purposes?

What sorts of things can I claim back on from IRD?

Where can I find info about paying income tax on my rental?

Would my overseas losses offset my NZ income?

Are national travel costs tax deductible?

Is tax payable on the sale of a property?

Do we have to pay any tax on the rent we receive?

Can I rent the property owned by my LAQC?

What tax am I liable for on properties bought through my company?

Am I subject to CGT if purchasing 2 properties per year?

What is taxable activity when subdividing land?

Do I have to pay capital gains tax?

Can I sell my LAQC owned house back to myself?

I need an accountant, where can I find one?

Can my LAQC claim back GST?

How should I structure my property rentals in terms of taxation?

Tax obligations for overseas investors

Living in my investment property, what do I do with my LAQC?

Moving overseas, how do I structure my LAQC?

Is the interest on a loan for a Proportional Ownership Property tax deductible?

How should I structure my NZ rental whilst overseas?

How do I protect my LAQC in case of divorce?

Should I establish a company or remain individual owner?

Arranging debts to reduce tax liability

Arranging debts to reduce tax liability part 2

Where can I find depreciation rates?

Do I pay tax on money withdrawn from LAQC?

What liabilities do I have as a beneficiary of a Trust?

Is the interest of a refinanced rental loan tax deductible?

How do I protect my Trusts beneficiaries in the event of a marriage breakup?

If we build & sell, what CGT am I liable for?

How to structure your assets from overseas

What is the best way to structure assets if subdividing a section?

Can we claim the cost of replacing boundary fences from our tax?

How do I find an accountant who specialises in LAQC/tax returns?

Can we rent out our LAQC owned property?

What expenses are claimable if my house is in a Trust?

Is renting the property from our LAQC considered avoidance by the IRD?

Are chattel valuations worthwhile under the IRD's depreciation regime?

Protecting your property from sharing with future partner

Calculating floor area of your house

How do I structure my Australian assets? NZ LAQC?

Defining tax positions on a property

Do I have to pay capital gains tax?

Can my property, held in Trust bring tax benefits?

Tax payable on subdivision of property

Can I claim deductions on a rental I'm living in?

Is a trust or a LAQC better for family property investments?

Can I depreciate renovations and new carpet?

What taxes arise when selling property?

How much depreciation do I pay?

Pros and cons of LAQC

Setting up an LAQC

Claiming losses against personal tax

Moving in with parents, LAQC or Trust for own home?

LAQC or Trust for tax benefits?

Offsetting losses upon returning to NZ

Apportioning shares between partners in a LAQC

Tax issues when living in your rental

Selling my property to my kids' LAQC

GST on residential rental property

Prioritising your next big move..

Resource consent liability where a tree is protected

Claiming expenses on investment property

Managed apartments & GST law

Should I sell to a LAQC and rent the property back?

How will GST affect my commercial property?

Pay or claim GST on the income received from a residential rental?

Best structure; Trust, LAQC, Company or other?

Economic slowdown ahead?

Planning ahead for the new GST legislation

Using your LAQC to benefit your relocation plans

Depreciation Rates table

Can we sell from the Family Trust to an LAQC?

Do I have to pay depreciation clawback if I move into my rental?

Can items which have depreciated below $500 be written off?

Which structure to use for rentals whilst living overseas

Tax implications of selling your property to LAQC

Tax deductability on a rented property

Deciphering the Relationships Property Act

Claiming cost of repairs from an LAQC

50:50 Partnership versus LACQ

Tax implications of sub-dividing your property

Can I pay capital gains from LAQC without accruing tax liabilities?

Can I buy my first home and place directly into the family trust?

Tax benefits of transferring current mortgage to rental property

Paying off mortgage on property held in LAQC

Transferring to LAQC, should I change ownership to my company?

Multiple investment property loans...

What expenses can I claim on residential property?

How do I add my wife to my LAQC?

Should I establish an LAQC?

Can an overseas resident enjoy tax benefits on rental income?


Interest deductibility on new builds

Transfer properties from LTC to Family Trust

Home and income property purchase in Australia

Interest tax deductibility rules

Asbestos removal costs

Taxing changes are favouring new builds

Boarding house and GST

GST on the rent

Interest & tax deductibility

Trust transfer benefits

Claiming rental losses

Remediation tax issues

Re-ordering portfolio

Deductions on rental expenses

Filing of taxable income

Restructuring successfully

Transferring shares in LTC

Dilapidation repair deductions?

Subdivision taxes

Complete LTC picture

Property management GST

Structuring for development

Trust matters

Real estate fees

Changing ownership structure

Fence painting conflict

GST & second hand goods provision

Low-value asset depreciation

Bright line liability?

Settle for limited liability

GST quandary

GST considerations

Swapping old for new

Non-resident AIL queries

Restructuring arrangements

Deductibility of work in flat share structure

Second dwelling deductibility?

Off-the-plan interest deduction

Accounting for expenses

Trans-Tasman structuring issues

GST registration

Structuring foundations

Short-term rental tax considerations

Income, rents & super

GST query

Weighing up restructuring

Granny flat taxes

Deductible - or not

Bright line exemption?

Transitioning to an LTC

Rental tax obligations

Duel country tax obligations

Filing tax returns after many years

Office investment

Structure around main use

Tax return obligations

Leaky unit deduction

Shed rental payments

Working out tax

Rental deductions

Tax returns for property in joint names

Provisional tax on sold rental

Personal ownership vs LTC

Commission on GST

Repair deduction options

Development taxes

Rental expenses deductibility

GST on property management

Structuring mortgages

Double Trusts?

Trust deductions

Intentions and tax

Gifted money

Subdivision taxes

Cross border structuring

Restructuring for taxes

Tax & family trusts

Getting bright line right

CGT worry

Transferring loans

Revoking LTC status

Granny flat deductions

Correct purchase structure

Potential CGT impact

Cross border tax matters

GST on commercial rents

Taxing rental income

To LTC or not to LTC?

UK rental sale taxes

Trust beneficiary taxes

Ending an LTC

Taxing subdivisions

Developer or investor?

Selling up taxes

GST quandary

Leasee GST claims

Sub-division tax sums

Rent-to-buy tax

Power meter expenditure

Mixed use calculations

Aussie capital gains

Flatmate rent income

Declaring rental income

Limited tax liability

Claiming tax on rental interest

Parking conundrum

Chattels deduction

Deducting costs from rental income

LTC transfer?

Rental restructuring

Ownership restructure

Share interest costs

Accounting options

Boarder tax solution?

Offsetting CGT in Australia

LTC fund transfers

Trans-Tasman taxes

Trust funds

Chattel depreciation payback

Defining a boarder

Interest deductability

Asset protection structure

Cross border tax issues

Kitchen confusion

Taxable capital gain?

Tax when helping kids

Deductibility criteria

Deductible skylight work

Carrying foward losses

New build tax liability

Boarding house GST

Claimable repairs?

Second hand goods rule

Setting up an LTC

Overseas tax query

Depreciation breakdown

GST on mixed purchase

CGT for trading only

QC restructure

Dealing with flatmate income

Interest deductibility problem

Shifting mortgages impact on tax

Australian tax considerations

Subdivision tax considerations

Renting income considerations

LTC share changes

Mixed use treehouse asset

Taxing flatmates vs boarders

Do-up sale tax rules

No loss deductions

Tax liabilities for LTC property

AirBnB tax calculations

Overseas move impact

GST sale considerations

Property management beginner

Structuring first investment

Transitional tax residents

Voluntary tax disclosures

Choosing a vehicle for new rental

To LTC or not to LTC

Rental income tax

GST for commercial rental

Tax efficiency for landlord-tenants

Rental transfer to LC

Lack of IRD knowledge

Tax deductibility for rental

Tax residency concerns

Trans-Tasman depreciation

GST registration for apartment purchase

Sub-let GST confusion

Tenants in common partnership

Taxing land question

Loss on sale

Deduction for study fees

Selling investments to LTC

Change structure?

Depreciation costs - now or later?

Gifting expenses?

Part ownership deductibility?

Pay off NZ debt?

Fair accounting fee?

Tax deductibility from US

Investor vs trader?

Transferring debt

More than minor subdivision?

Best ownership structure?

Utilising line of credit

GST on mixed-use property

Am I a trader?

Splitting depreciation

Tax structure for two properties

Best tax options for move to Australia?

Wages for wife

Deregistering GST

Trust scenario numbers

New home's tax back?

Moving tax impact

Chattel depreciation

Vendor's GST payable

Subdivision 10 year rule

Vendor's GST status

Moving debt around

Capital options

"Sensible" structure

Capital gains tax on rentals?

“Arms-length” rental for son

Property trading tax?

Depreciation recovery time limit?

Tax on self-contained unit?

Bringing flatmates in

Tax avoidance?

Deductible rental costs?

GST on residential rental?

Buy and sell with LTC

GST on leased hotel

Making the most of debt?

Tax rates for rental profits?

New fence deductibility?

Claiming leaky building costs?

Depreciation clawback on cashing in

Vehicle costs deductibility?

Holiday spot's short-term rental

Tax relief for earthquake strengthening work?

Maximising interest deductibility?

“Double whammy" on sale

Chattel depreciation payback?

Deductibility "classic dilemma"

Subdivide now or later?

Renovate rental property or sell?

Extracting equity from NZ?

No return filed - "should I expect a big tax bill"?

Claiming insulation for creaking floorboards?

GST registration on short term rentals?

Can LTC shareholder live overseas?

Structure for home and income property?

Refinancing after 'deemed sale' from LTC

Tax on subdivision?

Garden shed depreciation

Loss on coastal property

Post 2012 building disposal loss?

Tenants vs flatmates?

Claiming deposit loss?

Claiming furnishing expenses

Rates payment in advance?

Splitting decision

Is new roof tax deductible?

Replacing oven

Reworking for families?

Income tax options?

Relative deductions?

ACC levies on rental income?

CGT issues from OZ?

Refurbishment depreciation?

GST on serviced apartments?

Plus GST problems

Depreciation recovery

Filing from Singapore

Calculating loss on sale

Tax impact from LAQC changes

Not a trader!

GST on apartment rent?

Simplifying accounting

Strata title matters

Looking ahead

Burning question on depreciation

Case-by-case depreciation

Moving tax implications

Co-owned rental accounting

Moving on from LAQC

Re-piling depreciation?

Big Aussie issues

Valuing chattels

Capital vs maintenance?

Granny flat income

Changing bank security costs?

First things first

Loan use determines deductibility

Floor sanding - deductible?

Is re-roofing capital or repair?

Is insulation maintenance?

Non-resident withholding tax on UK rental?

Does depreciation need to be paid back to IRD?

Detached deck depreciation?

Flatmate tax implications?

Taxing subdivision?

Splitting property loss?

Property manager DIY

Deducting foreign debt?

New partner, new property

GST on short-term accommodation

Structuring loans across two properties

Dishwasher depreciation

Moving into LTC property

Structure for accidental landlord

Foreign owned property

Capital gains on home and income?

Flat confusion - LTC

Losses on overseas rental

Group investment

Short term rental

Depreciation recovery on property sales

Claiming depreciation

Investing from Australia

Accounting for an increasing portfolio

Structuring property ownership

Tax Set-up

Unit title concerns

Separate companies

What's in a date?

Can I revalue my asset to offset tax?

Taxing issues in NZ for overseas-based investors

Ex-pats get tax back

On shaky ground

Should I restructure post property crash?

Off-setting costs not so simple

How have things changed under new LTC rules?

Choosing your structures for traders

Is my daughter liable for tax?

Is this income taxable?

What's the best form of structure now?

Disposing of property following a partnership split

Optimum ownership for partnership structures

Your choices with the new LAQC rules

Can I sign over my LAQC?

Change in circumstances forces restructure

Can a Trust have a shareholding in a LAQC?

Best structure for trading

Claiming on subdivision of family home

Has my company lost its LAQC status?

Trust or LAQC

A Trans-Tasman Tangle

Determining life expectancy of a building

Old house, new questions

How does my profit attract ACC?

How will LAQC refinancing change under the new rules?

Will selling to my LAQC trigger tax issues?

Tenants in Common structure

Registered valuation or capital value?

Depreciation recovery when landlords move into rentals

Balancing the debate on possible TWG initiatives

Do I pay tax on any gains if I subdivide before 10 years ownership?

What property ownership structure would you recommend?

Claiming tax for repair work carried out

To depreciate or not?

Tax obligations if changing status to non-NZ tax resident

Process to close LAQC due to separation of partners

Claiming profits and losses from a Trust

Which is the best option Trust/LAQC?

Will I be subject to CGT if I add-value and sell?

How do I wind up my LAQC?

Claiming depreciation

Will LAQC changes encourage investors to sell?

Taxation status of LAQC under the new regime

Tax issues with NZ property when living overseas

Can I let to a family member if I am overseas?

Can a Trust help me offset property losses?

How should I structure my assets?

Transfer of ownership to LAQC process

Protecting properties through structures

Claiming depreciation

Likely outcome of the government's continued focus on LAQC's?

Australian tax query

How should I re-structure if I relocate overseas?

Will potential CGT be retrospective?

Leasing land tax implications?

Can I claim a rental loss from my Trust when I am residing in it?

How can we minimise our losses from overseas?

Are subdivision costs tax deductable?

Can I claim depreciation on insulation costs?

Would IRD view this as tax avoidance?

Tax and proceeds when selling overseas property

LAQCs and foreign companies

Can I claim expenses incurred during renovating?

Double tax whammy

Am I liable for capital gains tax?

Should we restructure into an LAQC?

What is a depreciation schedule?

Can I live in my depreciated rental?

How do I get chattels valued so I can claim depreciation?

Can I claim for my maintenance time through LAQC?

Can I claim for repainting my whole investment property?

How should I structure my assets if moving to Australia?

Relationship separation; how do we un-structure our portfolio?

Comments around Capital Gains

What should I consider prior to leaving NZ and my rental?

Can we claim any expenses in the 12 months prior to settlement?

Is LAQC a good option for us?

How should I structure an investment purchase?

What are the advantages of having a Trust?

I sold my Trust to our LAQC, do we pay tax?

How does gifting to a Trust work?

How can I make mortgage payments tax deductable?

Transferring from trusts to LAQCs

Advantages and disadvantages of LAQC

What tax liabilities do I have as an Australian resident investing in NZ?

Should I purchase my second investment through LAQC?

To Trust or not to Trust, which is the best option?

Will I have to pay tax on any capital gain?

How can I reduce my tax obligations?

What are the benefits of an LAQC for overseas investors?

What expenses can I claim?

Should I start a Trust or LAQC?

How do I sell my home to my LAQC and rent it out?

Can I rent my property from my LAQC?

How can I be more tax efficient with overseas investment?

LAQC or Tust? Which is the better option?

Which is the best option, Trust or LAQC?

If I rent from my LAQC, what are the tax implications?

How do I get the full tax benefits of a LAQC?

Has Capital Gains Tax become law?

How many directors should I have for my LAQC?

What info do I need to give IRD for tax returns?

How do I offset property tax if I move to Australia?

Is an LAQC right for me?

I'm a Kiwi living in Australia, how do I file my property tax returns?

Why should I restructure my assets if no beneficiaries?

Do I need a valuation for depreciation purposes?

Are we committing tax avoidance?

Can we rent out our family trust owned property?

Can I claim tax deductability if I mortgage my rental?

Do we need a partnership tax number?

Are there tax benefits to owning a rental home?

Are Trusts the best strategy to avoid tainting?

What property value do I have to use for LAQC depreciation purposes?

What sorts of things can I claim back on from IRD?

Where can I find info about paying income tax on my rental?

Would my overseas losses offset my NZ income?

Are national travel costs tax deductible?

Is tax payable on the sale of a property?

Do we have to pay any tax on the rent we receive?

Can I rent the property owned by my LAQC?

What tax am I liable for on properties bought through my company?

Am I subject to CGT if purchasing 2 properties per year?

What is taxable activity when subdividing land?

Do I have to pay capital gains tax?

Can I sell my LAQC owned house back to myself?

I need an accountant, where can I find one?

Can my LAQC claim back GST?

How should I structure my property rentals in terms of taxation?

Tax obligations for overseas investors

Living in my investment property, what do I do with my LAQC?

Moving overseas, how do I structure my LAQC?

Is the interest on a loan for a Proportional Ownership Property tax deductible?

How should I structure my NZ rental whilst overseas?

How do I protect my LAQC in case of divorce?

Should I establish a company or remain individual owner?

Arranging debts to reduce tax liability

Arranging debts to reduce tax liability part 2

Where can I find depreciation rates?

Do I pay tax on money withdrawn from LAQC?

What liabilities do I have as a beneficiary of a Trust?

Is the interest of a refinanced rental loan tax deductible?

How do I protect my Trusts beneficiaries in the event of a marriage breakup?

If we build & sell, what CGT am I liable for?

How to structure your assets from overseas

What is the best way to structure assets if subdividing a section?

Can we claim the cost of replacing boundary fences from our tax?

How do I find an accountant who specialises in LAQC/tax returns?

Can we rent out our LAQC owned property?

What expenses are claimable if my house is in a Trust?

Is renting the property from our LAQC considered avoidance by the IRD?

Are chattel valuations worthwhile under the IRD's depreciation regime?

Protecting your property from sharing with future partner

Calculating floor area of your house

How do I structure my Australian assets? NZ LAQC?

Defining tax positions on a property

Do I have to pay capital gains tax?

Can my property, held in Trust bring tax benefits?

Tax payable on subdivision of property

Can I claim deductions on a rental I'm living in?

Is a trust or a LAQC better for family property investments?

Can I depreciate renovations and new carpet?

What taxes arise when selling property?

How much depreciation do I pay?

Pros and cons of LAQC

Setting up an LAQC

Claiming losses against personal tax

Moving in with parents, LAQC or Trust for own home?

LAQC or Trust for tax benefits?

Offsetting losses upon returning to NZ

Apportioning shares between partners in a LAQC

Tax issues when living in your rental

Selling my property to my kids' LAQC

GST on residential rental property

Prioritising your next big move..

Resource consent liability where a tree is protected

Claiming expenses on investment property

Managed apartments & GST law

Should I sell to a LAQC and rent the property back?

How will GST affect my commercial property?

Pay or claim GST on the income received from a residential rental?

Best structure; Trust, LAQC, Company or other?

Economic slowdown ahead?

Planning ahead for the new GST legislation

Using your LAQC to benefit your relocation plans

Depreciation Rates table

Can we sell from the Family Trust to an LAQC?

Do I have to pay depreciation clawback if I move into my rental?

Can items which have depreciated below $500 be written off?

Which structure to use for rentals whilst living overseas

Tax implications of selling your property to LAQC

Tax deductability on a rented property

Deciphering the Relationships Property Act

Claiming cost of repairs from an LAQC

50:50 Partnership versus LACQ

Tax implications of sub-dividing your property

Can I pay capital gains from LAQC without accruing tax liabilities?

Can I buy my first home and place directly into the family trust?

Tax benefits of transferring current mortgage to rental property

Paying off mortgage on property held in LAQC

Transferring to LAQC, should I change ownership to my company?

Multiple investment property loans...

What expenses can I claim on residential property?

How do I add my wife to my LAQC?

Should I establish an LAQC?

Can an overseas resident enjoy tax benefits on rental income?


Interest deductibility on new builds

Transfer properties from LTC to Family Trust

Home and income property purchase in Australia

Interest tax deductibility rules

Asbestos removal costs

Taxing changes are favouring new builds

Boarding house and GST

GST on the rent

Interest & tax deductibility

Trust transfer benefits

Claiming rental losses

Remediation tax issues

Re-ordering portfolio

Deductions on rental expenses

Filing of taxable income

Restructuring successfully

Transferring shares in LTC

Dilapidation repair deductions?

Subdivision taxes

Complete LTC picture

Property management GST

Structuring for development

Trust matters

Real estate fees

Changing ownership structure

Fence painting conflict

GST & second hand goods provision

Low-value asset depreciation

Bright line liability?

Settle for limited liability

GST quandary

GST considerations

Swapping old for new

Non-resident AIL queries

Restructuring arrangements

Deductibility of work in flat share structure

Second dwelling deductibility?

Off-the-plan interest deduction

Accounting for expenses

Trans-Tasman structuring issues

GST registration

Structuring foundations

Short-term rental tax considerations

Income, rents & super

GST query

Weighing up restructuring

Granny flat taxes

Deductible - or not

Bright line exemption?

Transitioning to an LTC

Rental tax obligations

Duel country tax obligations

Filing tax returns after many years

Office investment

Structure around main use

Tax return obligations

Leaky unit deduction

Shed rental payments

Working out tax

Rental deductions

Tax returns for property in joint names

Provisional tax on sold rental

Personal ownership vs LTC

Commission on GST

Repair deduction options

Development taxes

Rental expenses deductibility

GST on property management

Structuring mortgages

Double Trusts?

Trust deductions

Intentions and tax

Gifted money

Subdivision taxes

Cross border structuring

Restructuring for taxes

Tax & family trusts

Getting bright line right

CGT worry

Transferring loans

Revoking LTC status

Granny flat deductions

Correct purchase structure

Potential CGT impact

Cross border tax matters

GST on commercial rents

Taxing rental income

To LTC or not to LTC?

UK rental sale taxes

Trust beneficiary taxes

Ending an LTC

Taxing subdivisions

Developer or investor?

Selling up taxes

GST quandary

Leasee GST claims

Sub-division tax sums

Rent-to-buy tax

Power meter expenditure

Mixed use calculations

Aussie capital gains

Flatmate rent income

Declaring rental income

Limited tax liability

Claiming tax on rental interest

Parking conundrum

Chattels deduction

Deducting costs from rental income

LTC transfer?

Rental restructuring

Ownership restructure

Share interest costs

Accounting options

Boarder tax solution?

Offsetting CGT in Australia

LTC fund transfers

Trans-Tasman taxes

Trust funds

Chattel depreciation payback

Defining a boarder

Interest deductability

Asset protection structure

Cross border tax issues

Kitchen confusion

Taxable capital gain?

Tax when helping kids

Deductibility criteria

Deductible skylight work

Carrying foward losses

New build tax liability

Boarding house GST

Claimable repairs?

Second hand goods rule

Setting up an LTC

Overseas tax query

Depreciation breakdown

GST on mixed purchase

CGT for trading only

QC restructure

Dealing with flatmate income

Interest deductibility problem

Shifting mortgages impact on tax

Australian tax considerations

Subdivision tax considerations

Renting income considerations

LTC share changes

Mixed use treehouse asset

Taxing flatmates vs boarders

Do-up sale tax rules

No loss deductions

Tax liabilities for LTC property

AirBnB tax calculations

Overseas move impact

GST sale considerations

Property management beginner

Structuring first investment

Transitional tax residents

Voluntary tax disclosures

Choosing a vehicle for new rental

To LTC or not to LTC

Rental income tax

GST for commercial rental

Tax efficiency for landlord-tenants

Rental transfer to LC

Lack of IRD knowledge

Tax deductibility for rental

Tax residency concerns

Trans-Tasman depreciation

GST registration for apartment purchase

Sub-let GST confusion

Tenants in common partnership

Taxing land question

Loss on sale

Deduction for study fees

Selling investments to LTC

Change structure?

Depreciation costs - now or later?

Gifting expenses?

Part ownership deductibility?

Pay off NZ debt?

Fair accounting fee?

Tax deductibility from US

Investor vs trader?

Transferring debt

More than minor subdivision?

Best ownership structure?

Utilising line of credit

GST on mixed-use property

Am I a trader?

Splitting depreciation

Tax structure for two properties

Best tax options for move to Australia?

Wages for wife

Deregistering GST

Trust scenario numbers

New home's tax back?

Moving tax impact

Chattel depreciation

Vendor's GST payable

Subdivision 10 year rule

Vendor's GST status

Moving debt around

Capital options

"Sensible" structure

Capital gains tax on rentals?

“Arms-length” rental for son

Property trading tax?

Depreciation recovery time limit?

Tax on self-contained unit?

Bringing flatmates in

Tax avoidance?

Deductible rental costs?

GST on residential rental?

Buy and sell with LTC

GST on leased hotel

Making the most of debt?

Tax rates for rental profits?

New fence deductibility?

Claiming leaky building costs?

Depreciation clawback on cashing in

Vehicle costs deductibility?

Holiday spot's short-term rental

Tax relief for earthquake strengthening work?

Maximising interest deductibility?

“Double whammy" on sale

Chattel depreciation payback?

Deductibility "classic dilemma"

Subdivide now or later?

Renovate rental property or sell?

Extracting equity from NZ?

No return filed - "should I expect a big tax bill"?

Claiming insulation for creaking floorboards?

GST registration on short term rentals?

Can LTC shareholder live overseas?

Structure for home and income property?

Refinancing after 'deemed sale' from LTC

Tax on subdivision?

Garden shed depreciation

Loss on coastal property

Post 2012 building disposal loss?

Tenants vs flatmates?

Claiming deposit loss?

Claiming furnishing expenses

Rates payment in advance?

Splitting decision

Is new roof tax deductible?

Replacing oven

Reworking for families?

Income tax options?

Relative deductions?

ACC levies on rental income?

CGT issues from OZ?

Refurbishment depreciation?

GST on serviced apartments?

Plus GST problems

Depreciation recovery

Filing from Singapore

Calculating loss on sale

Tax impact from LAQC changes

Not a trader!

GST on apartment rent?

Simplifying accounting

Strata title matters

Looking ahead

Burning question on depreciation

Case-by-case depreciation

Moving tax implications

Co-owned rental accounting

Moving on from LAQC

Re-piling depreciation?

Big Aussie issues

Valuing chattels

Capital vs maintenance?

Granny flat income

Changing bank security costs?

First things first

Loan use determines deductibility

Floor sanding - deductible?

Is re-roofing capital or repair?

Is insulation maintenance?

Non-resident withholding tax on UK rental?

Does depreciation need to be paid back to IRD?

Detached deck depreciation?

Flatmate tax implications?

Taxing subdivision?

Splitting property loss?

Property manager DIY

Deducting foreign debt?

New partner, new property

GST on short-term accommodation

Structuring loans across two properties

Dishwasher depreciation

Moving into LTC property

Structure for accidental landlord

Foreign owned property

Capital gains on home and income?

Flat confusion - LTC

Losses on overseas rental

Group investment

Short term rental

Depreciation recovery on property sales

Claiming depreciation

Investing from Australia

Accounting for an increasing portfolio

Structuring property ownership

Tax Set-up

Unit title concerns

Separate companies

What's in a date?

Can I revalue my asset to offset tax?

Taxing issues in NZ for overseas-based investors

Ex-pats get tax back

On shaky ground

Should I restructure post property crash?

Off-setting costs not so simple

How have things changed under new LTC rules?

Choosing your structures for traders

Is my daughter liable for tax?

Is this income taxable?

What's the best form of structure now?

Disposing of property following a partnership split

Optimum ownership for partnership structures

Your choices with the new LAQC rules

Can I sign over my LAQC?

Change in circumstances forces restructure

Can a Trust have a shareholding in a LAQC?

Best structure for trading

Claiming on subdivision of family home

Has my company lost its LAQC status?

Trust or LAQC

A Trans-Tasman Tangle

Determining life expectancy of a building

Old house, new questions

How does my profit attract ACC?

How will LAQC refinancing change under the new rules?

Will selling to my LAQC trigger tax issues?

Tenants in Common structure

Registered valuation or capital value?

Depreciation recovery when landlords move into rentals

Balancing the debate on possible TWG initiatives

Do I pay tax on any gains if I subdivide before 10 years ownership?

What property ownership structure would you recommend?

Claiming tax for repair work carried out

To depreciate or not?

Tax obligations if changing status to non-NZ tax resident

Process to close LAQC due to separation of partners

Claiming profits and losses from a Trust

Which is the best option Trust/LAQC?

Will I be subject to CGT if I add-value and sell?

How do I wind up my LAQC?

Claiming depreciation

Will LAQC changes encourage investors to sell?

Taxation status of LAQC under the new regime

Tax issues with NZ property when living overseas

Can I let to a family member if I am overseas?

Can a Trust help me offset property losses?

How should I structure my assets?

Transfer of ownership to LAQC process

Protecting properties through structures

Claiming depreciation

Likely outcome of the government's continued focus on LAQC's?

Australian tax query

How should I re-structure if I relocate overseas?

Will potential CGT be retrospective?

Leasing land tax implications?

Can I claim a rental loss from my Trust when I am residing in it?

How can we minimise our losses from overseas?

Are subdivision costs tax deductable?

Can I claim depreciation on insulation costs?

Would IRD view this as tax avoidance?

Tax and proceeds when selling overseas property

LAQCs and foreign companies

Can I claim expenses incurred during renovating?

Double tax whammy

Am I liable for capital gains tax?

Should we restructure into an LAQC?

What is a depreciation schedule?

Can I live in my depreciated rental?

How do I get chattels valued so I can claim depreciation?

Can I claim for my maintenance time through LAQC?

Can I claim for repainting my whole investment property?

How should I structure my assets if moving to Australia?

Relationship separation; how do we un-structure our portfolio?

Comments around Capital Gains

What should I consider prior to leaving NZ and my rental?

Can we claim any expenses in the 12 months prior to settlement?

Is LAQC a good option for us?

How should I structure an investment purchase?

What are the advantages of having a Trust?

I sold my Trust to our LAQC, do we pay tax?

How does gifting to a Trust work?

How can I make mortgage payments tax deductable?

Transferring from trusts to LAQCs

Advantages and disadvantages of LAQC

What tax liabilities do I have as an Australian resident investing in NZ?

Should I purchase my second investment through LAQC?

To Trust or not to Trust, which is the best option?

Will I have to pay tax on any capital gain?

How can I reduce my tax obligations?

What are the benefits of an LAQC for overseas investors?

What expenses can I claim?

Should I start a Trust or LAQC?

How do I sell my home to my LAQC and rent it out?

Can I rent my property from my LAQC?

How can I be more tax efficient with overseas investment?

LAQC or Tust? Which is the better option?

Which is the best option, Trust or LAQC?

If I rent from my LAQC, what are the tax implications?

How do I get the full tax benefits of a LAQC?

Has Capital Gains Tax become law?

How many directors should I have for my LAQC?

What info do I need to give IRD for tax returns?

How do I offset property tax if I move to Australia?

Is an LAQC right for me?

I'm a Kiwi living in Australia, how do I file my property tax returns?

Why should I restructure my assets if no beneficiaries?

Do I need a valuation for depreciation purposes?

Are we committing tax avoidance?

Can we rent out our family trust owned property?

Can I claim tax deductability if I mortgage my rental?

Do we need a partnership tax number?

Are there tax benefits to owning a rental home?

Are Trusts the best strategy to avoid tainting?

What property value do I have to use for LAQC depreciation purposes?

What sorts of things can I claim back on from IRD?

Where can I find info about paying income tax on my rental?

Would my overseas losses offset my NZ income?

Are national travel costs tax deductible?

Is tax payable on the sale of a property?

Do we have to pay any tax on the rent we receive?

Can I rent the property owned by my LAQC?

What tax am I liable for on properties bought through my company?

Am I subject to CGT if purchasing 2 properties per year?

What is taxable activity when subdividing land?

Do I have to pay capital gains tax?

Can I sell my LAQC owned house back to myself?

I need an accountant, where can I find one?

Can my LAQC claim back GST?

How should I structure my property rentals in terms of taxation?

Tax obligations for overseas investors

Living in my investment property, what do I do with my LAQC?

Moving overseas, how do I structure my LAQC?

Is the interest on a loan for a Proportional Ownership Property tax deductible?

How should I structure my NZ rental whilst overseas?

How do I protect my LAQC in case of divorce?

Should I establish a company or remain individual owner?

Arranging debts to reduce tax liability

Arranging debts to reduce tax liability part 2

Where can I find depreciation rates?

Do I pay tax on money withdrawn from LAQC?

What liabilities do I have as a beneficiary of a Trust?

Is the interest of a refinanced rental loan tax deductible?

How do I protect my Trusts beneficiaries in the event of a marriage breakup?

If we build & sell, what CGT am I liable for?

How to structure your assets from overseas

What is the best way to structure assets if subdividing a section?

Can we claim the cost of replacing boundary fences from our tax?

How do I find an accountant who specialises in LAQC/tax returns?

Can we rent out our LAQC owned property?

What expenses are claimable if my house is in a Trust?

Is renting the property from our LAQC considered avoidance by the IRD?

Are chattel valuations worthwhile under the IRD's depreciation regime?

Protecting your property from sharing with future partner

Calculating floor area of your house

How do I structure my Australian assets? NZ LAQC?

Defining tax positions on a property

Do I have to pay capital gains tax?

Can my property, held in Trust bring tax benefits?

Tax payable on subdivision of property

Can I claim deductions on a rental I'm living in?

Is a trust or a LAQC better for family property investments?

Can I depreciate renovations and new carpet?

What taxes arise when selling property?

How much depreciation do I pay?

Pros and cons of LAQC

Setting up an LAQC

Claiming losses against personal tax

Moving in with parents, LAQC or Trust for own home?

LAQC or Trust for tax benefits?

Offsetting losses upon returning to NZ

Apportioning shares between partners in a LAQC

Tax issues when living in your rental

Selling my property to my kids' LAQC

GST on residential rental property

Prioritising your next big move..

Resource consent liability where a tree is protected

Claiming expenses on investment property

Managed apartments & GST law

Should I sell to a LAQC and rent the property back?

How will GST affect my commercial property?

Pay or claim GST on the income received from a residential rental?

Best structure; Trust, LAQC, Company or other?

Economic slowdown ahead?

Planning ahead for the new GST legislation

Using your LAQC to benefit your relocation plans

Depreciation Rates table

Can we sell from the Family Trust to an LAQC?

Do I have to pay depreciation clawback if I move into my rental?

Can items which have depreciated below $500 be written off?

Which structure to use for rentals whilst living overseas

Tax implications of selling your property to LAQC

Tax deductability on a rented property

Deciphering the Relationships Property Act

Claiming cost of repairs from an LAQC

50:50 Partnership versus LACQ

Tax implications of sub-dividing your property

Can I pay capital gains from LAQC without accruing tax liabilities?

Can I buy my first home and place directly into the family trust?

Tax benefits of transferring current mortgage to rental property

Paying off mortgage on property held in LAQC

Transferring to LAQC, should I change ownership to my company?

Multiple investment property loans...

What expenses can I claim on residential property?

How do I add my wife to my LAQC?

Should I establish an LAQC?

Can an overseas resident enjoy tax benefits on rental income?


Is it lawful the use of the land has been taken from tenants?

Leaking roof and ceiling

Issue with next door tenants

Adding changes to tenancy agreements

Dealing with rent arrears

Carpet damage problem

Illegal sub-let

Bond recovery

Meth liability

Subletting problem

Damages for non-consented work

Failed tenant bond transfer

Repairs refund dispute

Costs for ending a fixed term tenancy

Addressing property damage

Unauthorised bidet addition

Reno provisions for tenants

Tenants' right to quiet enjoyment

Enforcing arrears payment

Tenant options during renovations

Healthy moisture barriers

Rental release terms for prisoner tenant

Deceased bond recovery

Demolition notice period

Adding sleepouts to property

Abandoned goods

No written agreement

Flat-sharing and the RTA

Subletting problems

Costs in ending a fixed term early

Landlord obligations

Tenant renovation agreement

Non-written tenancy agreement

Disagreeing with Tribunal decision

Lodging bonds

Change of tenant rules

Abandoning tenancy

Rent arrears under insolvency

Property management dispute

Rent on illegal sleepout

Change of tenant

EM bail to rental property?

Tenant business in rental property

Payments from bankrupt tenant?

Power responsibilities

Arranging landlord access

Ending tenancy early

Dealing with problem tenant

Evicting troublesome tenant

Breaking fixed term lease

Exit inspection dispute

Renovations while ending tenancy

Rental as registered office address

Joint owner information

Tenancy ended during sale

Violent "visitors"

House-sitting vs sub-letting

Ending fixed term tenancy

Excessive break fees

Abusive flat-share

Replacement tenant clause

Meth dangers

Company tenancy notice

Fixed tenancy sale problem

Rent arrears termination

Unlawful meth testing?

Meth damage liability

Ending fixed term tenancy

Lease release terms

Reclaiming letting fee

Granny flat requirements

Inspection requirements

Data costs dispute

Live-in landlord

Unconsented tenant work

Carpet dispute

Letting fee refund

Flood damage liability

Sex work rental breach?

Monetary orders

Fixed term lease break

Maintenance rules

Bond refund forms

Reno notice period

Adding tenants to agreements

Outgoing responsibilities

Evicting sub-letting tenant

Damage responsibilty

Smoking problem

42 days notice concern

Tenant rental dues

Releasing difficult tenant

Notice for recladding

Missing property

Pool pump charges

Rent arrears eviction

Water charges confusion

Banning rental vandal

Light obligations

Abusive neighbours

Checking tenants

Disruptive maintenance

Fixed term confusion

Rehearing stay of proceedings

Post-tenancy Tribunal time frames

Tenant liability

Water damage problems

Key replacement costs

Getting out of fixed term lease

Insulation notification

Internet service in rentals

Failure to vacate

Responsibility for outgoings

Agreement flaws

Suspect notice

Fixing flood damage

Letting fee dilemma

Collection costs

Is landlord required to provide heating?

Letting fees

Tenancy notice periods

Deducting bond

Repairs & rent reductions

Separating tenancy agreements

Furnishing & maintenance duties

Valid tenancy agreement?

Insuring for Airbnb

Domestic violence damage

Role of property managers

Tenant Airbnb ventures

Chattel damage options

Entry rights

Contacting landlords

Pest control responsibilities

Pet-friendly verbal agreement

Retrospective insulation claim?

Damage claim confusion

Missing tenancy agreement

Leaving unsafe rental

Chattel conditions

Battling the landlord

Dog carpet damage

Moving on tardy tenants

Arresting agreements

Evicting dodgy tenant

Non-compliant rental

Power calculations

Using rental home for business

Right to heating

Damage repair compensation

Additional tenant?

Ensure rental property compliance

Unsatisfactory property

Reluctant landlords' taxes

Misuse of tenancy agreement

Ending fixed term tenancies

Power sharing

Ending fixed-term tenancies

Extra water cost liability

Taking vacant possession

Providing tenants' quiet enjoyment

Transferring tenancies

Property disclosure

No asset procedure

Bad neighbours

Addressing a tenancy breach

Ending fixed term tenancies

Rent holiday

Disclosing tenant information

Reasonable cleaning?

Boarding houses & the RTA

Removing a bad tenant

Letting fee in face of demolition

Landlord without boundaries

Dusty carpets

Rent reduction for sub-division

Illegal conditions

Tenant's home business

Subletting or flatmate situation?

Swimming pool safety

Rent increase timing

Excessive power bills

Tenancy Act cover?

Subletting without permission

Breaking fixed term contract

"Unhealthy house" options?

Tenants privacy rights

Breaching tenancy

Unhealthy rental

Wanting to leave

Tenant moving overseas

Ending a tenancy

Enforcing payment of rent owed

Running toilet leads to bill dispute

Stove repairs

Right of entry for painting

Tenants subletting

Leaking hot water

Bond form not returned

Letting fee refund?

Dirty house!

Bond on fixed-term breach?

No hot water

Identity proof

Ending sub-tenancy?

Contract breach?

Applying for orders

Untrustworthy landlord

Verbal agreement broken

Negligent damage?

Who's responsible for damage?

Should I evict tenant?

Sub-tenancy curtain issue

Right of renewal options

Bond refund rules?

Exposing pest problem

Chattels in sale

Trouble on the horizon?

Notice for inspection

Market rent dispute

Tenancy agreement privacy?

Exit carpet clean

Lease break fee

Change of tenant

Window mould

Tenant changed mind

Cancelled contract

Who pays fixed costs?

Safe drinking water

Early tenancy termination rules

Questioning Tenancy Tribunal decision

Wear and tear or damage?

Tenant rights in foreclosure?

Who pays power reconnection fee?

Who pays for leaking water?

Can I get letting fee back?

Three months rent advance

Letting "family flat"

Letting individual rooms

Granny flat let?

Penalty fee for late rent?

EQC repairs: Uncaring landlord

Bad tenants out

Housing New Zealand properties?

Tracking tenant for tribunal

Maungarakei rent statistics?

Checking out move-in costs?

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Tenancy Tribunal decisions?

Housing New Zealand investment?

Can landlord live out back?

Not responsible for metered water

Seeking information on domestic rentals

Landlord declining fixed-term renewal

Tenant "refusing" to pay rent

Kicked out by flatmate

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Who is liable for lines work?

Want to move to "safe new house"

Cleaning efforts "left a lot to be desired"

Want to move in, can I ask tenants to leave?

Zones for market rent stats?

RTA cover for "not legal residential properties"?

Early exit notice for individually leased room?

Landlord to sort 'non-potable' water

Surely health and safety comes first?

Compensation from broken fixed term?

Wanting out - cold house

Co-tenancy issue

Misled re letting fee?

Fixed utility costs?

Joint tenancy problems

Bond cleaned out?

Wanting tenant's details?

Bad tenants down the street

Privacy breach?

Who pays for aerial?

High water

Key breaching trust?

Working out carpet costs

Landlords' family moving in?

Tenants' overstaying friends

Warning other landlords?

Surprised by letting fee

Tenant doesn't want heat pump

42-day notice on sale?

Key return on early exit?

Mortgagee sale's tenancy issues

Debt payments dried up

Sub-tenant's rights?

Mouldy house

Damage repairs

Sanitary concerns

Obligated to tenant?

Taking over tenancy

Clean drinking water please?

Unsure if bond lodged

42-day notice timing?

Unexpected departure!

Broken washing machine

Hot water changes

Sub-tenant eviction

Giving notice

Receipts for Tribunal claim?

Early return

Who pays temporary accommodation for EQC repairs?

Is lying on references criminal?

Unfair exit for tenants?

Whose problem is mould?

Demanding landlord

No inspection notice given!

Shared hot water

Landlords' bad inspection timing!

GST charged on rent?

Landlord not up to scratch

Hot water leak - who pays?

Pedantic on three days rent arrears

Taking on fixed-term tenancy

Can we get our bond back?

Landlord pushing her luck

Where do I stand?

Bad flatmate needs to go

Cold air coming in

Problem flatmate

Rent to buy information?

Landlord's heating obligations?

Unfair 42-day notice?

Early tenancy exit?

Insulation issues

Multi-tenancy power split?

Disputed rent increase

Clean and fair exit please

Unfair letting fee?

Forged signature for bond refund

Listing chattels

Student flat heating

Cold comfort

Notice on a fixed term?

Unsuitable inspection time

Legalities on house sharing

Subletting breach

Who pays for water damaged TV?

Genuine written notice?

Hoarding tenant

Tenancy mediation scheduling

Open home hassles

Ripped wallpaper

Rules around rent increases?

Open home issues

Interruption to quiet enjoyment

Obstructed access issues

Powerline pressure

Unsure of landlord's intentions

Exiting a Fixed-Term Tenancy

Leaking roof destroyed books, grounds for a tribunal case?

Is an unsigned tenancy agreement enforcable?

Liability for repairs

Changes to waste water charges in Manukau

Liability explained for water service fees and sewage fees

Mad about a meter

Noisy Neighbours

Breaking a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for removal of rubbish?

Tenant Checking Pre-Tenancy

Pool Safety Regulations and Obligations

Can we be evicted if the house sells?

How do I resolve encroachment from my neighbors?

Can the date be amended on a fixed term contract?

Trials and tribulations with Tenancy Tribunal

This is just wrong

Bond: Unlodged?

Ending a fixed-term tenancy

Fixed term tenancy and noise issues

Who pays for chimney cleaning?

Can tenants attach any fixtures to the premises?

Tenants' objecting to renovations

Short term tenancies

Offerings for new landlords

Reasonable rental inspections

Regulation for property managers?

Responsibility for damage caused by damp property

No escape from the house of horror

Mopping up a mess

Carpet conundrum

Who is the Chief Executive referred to in S121 of RTA?

What are landlords's responsibilities regarding heating?

Can I terminate a fixed-term tenancy by notice?

How much notice is given if landlord wants to renovate and live in rental?

Landlord inspections

Cleanliness standards when negotiating contracts

Liability issues of fencing for safety

Overcoming access issues with tenants when selling a rental

Adding cleanliness conditions to RTA agreements

Who is responsible for payment of filling water tanks?

Are landlords allowed a key if locks changed?

Correct procedures for issuing termination notices

Is my agreement valid if one co-owner has not signed?

Enforcement of Tenancy Tribunal Orders

Can tenants be enforced to not use a fireplace?

Rental agreement terms to be met by both landlord and tenant

Offsetting rental income costs against maintenance agreement

Solving 'quiet enjoyment' versus 'access for renovations' issues

Liability over fallen fence in high winds

Carpet cleaning clause

Agreeing to break a fixed-term tenancy

Tools for first-time landlords

Avoiding problems with flatmates

Who pays for temporary accommodation whilst rental repairs carried out?

Do landlords pay to accommodate tenants whilst repair work carried out?

Who pays for water-tank usage?

How can I challenge an unjust Tribunal decision?

How do I set up a tenancy for multiple students?

How do I recover unpaid rent?

Responsibility for paying for fire damage

How often should I carry out property inspections?

Securing tenant's property for nonpayment of rent

Holiday rentals covered under RTA?

My rental bach was trashed, what can I do?

My landlord hasn't lodged my bond, what can I do?

Boundary issues

Property manager not following procedures

Electrical appliance safety for rental properties

Fire damaged my flat, what can I do?

Commercial rent arrears

Can I break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for the costs of a plumber?

Where can I access sales statistics?

The ultimate answer: who pays for water charges?

Do I have recourse for fixed-tenancy being ended early?

Who pays for a broken garage remote?

Is it a standard practice to charge Document Charges?

How does subletting affect a tenancy agreement?

How much notice do I have to give?

Who covers security costs?

Holding passport as security

Where can I find out more about Housing NZ Leasing?

Fixed-term tenancies and rent increases

Can I get an insulation subsidy?

How can I prove a verbal agreement?

Who pays for damages after a burglary?

How can I recover rent arrears?

What recourse do I have for un-permitted alterations?

Who is responsible for pest fumigation?

If renting to students, how can I guarantee rent payment?

Who pays for water usage for lawn maintenance?

What is an acceptable escalation clause for raising rent?

What's the law on appointing an agent whilst overseas?

I have detected a P-lab in my rental, what do I do now?

Who is liable for damage caused to carpets?

What are our rights as property owners?

How do I prove water usage?

How do I define rent increase?

Can a landlord permit a tenant to find another tenant to replace them?

Who pays for the swimming pool chemicals in a rental?

Do WINZ pay rent into landlords account directly?

How can we get our tenant to pay on time?

How much of the bond can the landlord keep?

How do I check prospective Tenants?

Who is responsible for fumigation of infestation?

Should I pay rent on top of my mortgage?

Where can I find info about the landlord subsidy for insulation?

Can we evict our flatmate lawfully?

Who pays for installation of a water meter?

Who can advise me about property management issues?

How can I get my landlord to insulate the property?

Where can I get advice about insulation?

Property manager has not increased rent as asked, what can I do?

What are my rights regarding repairs?

What's the deal with Housing corp tenants?

How do I join a property investor association?

Do I have to pay a letting fee?

Can my tenants break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for smashed windows?

Why wouldn't the tenancy tribunal adjudicator let us speak?

Who is repsonsible for maintanence?

Who pays for a water leak?

Am I liable to pay insurance costs?

How can I get my bond back?

Am I liable for 7 years of back rent?

My tenant doesn't pay rent on time, what can I do?

Who should pay for water charges?

Should I set up LAQC if I take in a tenant?

Tenants want rent reduced, can they demand this?

Can I visit my rental without notice for maintenaince purposes?

Who should pay for a toilet leak, landlord or tenant?

How can I recover rent arrears?

My tenant died leaving damage, what can I do?

How can I cancel a periodic tenancy?

What can be done about an abusive neighbour?

Am I obliged to provide a reference for former tenant?

As a tenant, am I obliged to have contents insurance?

Letting fee paid but lease unsigned, how can I get my letting fee back?

How can I check out potential tenants?

Who pays for water charges?

Whare can I find info about sub-letting?

What are my rights reagrding my landlord's conduct?

As a landlord, am I obliged to furnish flats?

Can I end my fixed tenancy due to an insect infestation?

Is there a resource center for market rental rates?

Can we include a compulsory insurance clause in a tenancy agreement?

How do I resolve a boundary issue with my neighbour?

How do I enforce a 'no parties' clause with my tenants?

What recourse do I have against squatters?

Who is responsible for sweeping the chimney?

A faulty fire alarm raised the fire service, who pays for this?

How do I find data on tenants?

How do I end my fixed term tenancy agreement?

How do I enforce debt recovery from former tenants?

My tenant trashed the house, but I don't have a tenancy agreement, what can I do?

Are capital expenses for renovation tax deductable?

What recourse do I have against poor property management?

Apartment rents differ in my block, is this fair?

How do I handle difficult neighbours?

My rental is not clean, is the property manager accountable?

Is it wise to have a tenancy agreement amongst family and friends?

Is there any protection from land rent increases?

What circumstances would result in the tenant not having to pay a periodic lease?

Is a landlord obliged to give notice for maintainance?

My ex-landlord hasn't returned my bond, what can I do?

TV Antennae installation - who is liable for damage caused?

How do I set up tenancies for individual rooms?

What are my obligations when raising rents?

How do I resolve conflict with neighbours?

If unable to pursue tenant, who pays for water usage debt?

Should I charge tenants for damage to property?

How do I resolve disputes with my landlord?

How can I lawfully raise the bond amount?

What is the usual rent formula for commercial property.

Water Charges: who pays for what?

Blocked basin: whos pays the costs to clean?

Pest control obligations for tenants and landlords

Landlords' recourse for late paying tenants

Can I terminate my fixed term agreement early?

Can I dispose of tenant's belongings they left behind?

My tenants can't pay on time, what recourse do I have?

Under 18 year old tenants, how risky is this option?

Can I sue the developer for water leakage?

Fully-Furnished: what are landlords' obliged to provide?

Where can I get insurance that covers willful damage by tenants?

I bought an ex-showhome and it leaks, what can I do?

Falsely accused of damage to rental, what recourse do I have?

Insurance policies for Landlords

Mis-managed by my property managers, can I sue for malpractice?

Can live-in landlords have tenancy agreements with flatmates?

How do I resolve issues with my tenants?

Who is responsible for damage to property?

What rights does a Landlord have regarding reference checking tenants?

Can I give references about previous tenants?

Can a tenant end a fixed-term tenancy early?

Where can I get insurance for my property investment?

How can I find former tenants who defaulted on payments?

Landlords' responsilbilites regarding water tanks

Landlords' obligations for removing mould

Problems with your property manager?

Contact info for property management advice

When can landlords enter a rented property?

What is Power of Attorney and do I need it?

Service for UK tenants requiring advice

What is the definition of a short term tenancy?

How do I get my landlord to ensure my quiet enjoyment?

Bad tenants and how to avoid them

What are my obligations in respect to bad tv reception?

Who pays for repairs after a burglary?

Who is responsible for vacating tenants on a sold property?

Water leak, who pays for excess useage?

Water Rates, the saga continues..

Renting a sleep-out

Tenancy agreement issues

Terminating tenancy agreement guidelines

Careless or intentional damage by tenants, who is responsible?

What is a letting fee and why should I pay?

Insurance to protect landlords

My property manager has not been doing inspections..

Waste water bills, landlord's or tenant's responsibility?

Finding a property manager

Selling a tenanted property

Management fees on commercial property

Recovering fees for enforcing tenancy orders

Who is responsible for wastewater bills?

Bond disputes and how to resolve them

Recourse for landlords whose tenants burn down the house

Enforcement procedures for debtor leaving NZ

Access to drinking water in a commercial property

Higher than usual water bill

Sub-leasing on a fixed term tenancy agreement

Can a Landlord charge admin fees to tenant?

Access issues when selling a tenanted property

Legislation pertaining to leasehold apartments

Tenancy dispute over 'fair wear and tear'

Advice on selling rental properties with tenants

Insurance cover on rental properties

Faulty fridge, who pays for repairs?

Previous tenant owes rent, what can I do?

Can I throw away a previous tenants belongings?

Can I claim expenses while living in my rental property?

Commercial use of space in a residential property

Enforcement of civil debt

Water rates, who pays for what?

Tenancy disputes due to no-fault fire

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner - Part 2

Can WINZ pay rents direct to Landlord?

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner?

Can we charge the ex-tenant for removing their property?

Selling during fixed-term agreement?

Unhappy with sale process

Tenant's trespass notice

Recovering arrears overseas

Does RTA cover cabins?

Fire exit blocked


Is it lawful the use of the land has been taken from tenants?

Leaking roof and ceiling

Issue with next door tenants

Adding changes to tenancy agreements

Dealing with rent arrears

Carpet damage problem

Illegal sub-let

Bond recovery

Meth liability

Subletting problem

Damages for non-consented work

Failed tenant bond transfer

Repairs refund dispute

Costs for ending a fixed term tenancy

Addressing property damage

Unauthorised bidet addition

Reno provisions for tenants

Tenants' right to quiet enjoyment

Enforcing arrears payment

Tenant options during renovations

Healthy moisture barriers

Rental release terms for prisoner tenant

Deceased bond recovery

Demolition notice period

Adding sleepouts to property

Abandoned goods

No written agreement

Flat-sharing and the RTA

Subletting problems

Costs in ending a fixed term early

Landlord obligations

Tenant renovation agreement

Non-written tenancy agreement

Disagreeing with Tribunal decision

Lodging bonds

Change of tenant rules

Abandoning tenancy

Rent arrears under insolvency

Property management dispute

Rent on illegal sleepout

Change of tenant

EM bail to rental property?

Tenant business in rental property

Payments from bankrupt tenant?

Power responsibilities

Arranging landlord access

Ending tenancy early

Dealing with problem tenant

Evicting troublesome tenant

Breaking fixed term lease

Exit inspection dispute

Renovations while ending tenancy

Rental as registered office address

Joint owner information

Tenancy ended during sale

Violent "visitors"

House-sitting vs sub-letting

Ending fixed term tenancy

Excessive break fees

Abusive flat-share

Replacement tenant clause

Meth dangers

Company tenancy notice

Fixed tenancy sale problem

Rent arrears termination

Unlawful meth testing?

Meth damage liability

Ending fixed term tenancy

Lease release terms

Reclaiming letting fee

Granny flat requirements

Inspection requirements

Data costs dispute

Live-in landlord

Unconsented tenant work

Carpet dispute

Letting fee refund

Flood damage liability

Sex work rental breach?

Monetary orders

Fixed term lease break

Maintenance rules

Bond refund forms

Reno notice period

Adding tenants to agreements

Outgoing responsibilities

Evicting sub-letting tenant

Damage responsibilty

Smoking problem

42 days notice concern

Tenant rental dues

Releasing difficult tenant

Notice for recladding

Missing property

Pool pump charges

Rent arrears eviction

Water charges confusion

Banning rental vandal

Light obligations

Abusive neighbours

Checking tenants

Disruptive maintenance

Fixed term confusion

Rehearing stay of proceedings

Post-tenancy Tribunal time frames

Tenant liability

Water damage problems

Key replacement costs

Getting out of fixed term lease

Insulation notification

Internet service in rentals

Failure to vacate

Responsibility for outgoings

Agreement flaws

Suspect notice

Fixing flood damage

Letting fee dilemma

Collection costs

Is landlord required to provide heating?

Letting fees

Tenancy notice periods

Deducting bond

Repairs & rent reductions

Separating tenancy agreements

Furnishing & maintenance duties

Valid tenancy agreement?

Insuring for Airbnb

Domestic violence damage

Role of property managers

Tenant Airbnb ventures

Chattel damage options

Entry rights

Contacting landlords

Pest control responsibilities

Pet-friendly verbal agreement

Retrospective insulation claim?

Damage claim confusion

Missing tenancy agreement

Leaving unsafe rental

Chattel conditions

Battling the landlord

Dog carpet damage

Moving on tardy tenants

Arresting agreements

Evicting dodgy tenant

Non-compliant rental

Power calculations

Using rental home for business

Right to heating

Damage repair compensation

Additional tenant?

Ensure rental property compliance

Unsatisfactory property

Reluctant landlords' taxes

Misuse of tenancy agreement

Ending fixed term tenancies

Power sharing

Ending fixed-term tenancies

Extra water cost liability

Taking vacant possession

Providing tenants' quiet enjoyment

Transferring tenancies

Property disclosure

No asset procedure

Bad neighbours

Addressing a tenancy breach

Ending fixed term tenancies

Rent holiday

Disclosing tenant information

Reasonable cleaning?

Boarding houses & the RTA

Removing a bad tenant

Letting fee in face of demolition

Landlord without boundaries

Dusty carpets

Rent reduction for sub-division

Illegal conditions

Tenant's home business

Subletting or flatmate situation?

Swimming pool safety

Rent increase timing

Excessive power bills

Tenancy Act cover?

Subletting without permission

Breaking fixed term contract

"Unhealthy house" options?

Tenants privacy rights

Breaching tenancy

Unhealthy rental

Wanting to leave

Tenant moving overseas

Ending a tenancy

Enforcing payment of rent owed

Running toilet leads to bill dispute

Stove repairs

Right of entry for painting

Tenants subletting

Leaking hot water

Bond form not returned

Letting fee refund?

Dirty house!

Bond on fixed-term breach?

No hot water

Identity proof

Ending sub-tenancy?

Contract breach?

Applying for orders

Untrustworthy landlord

Verbal agreement broken

Negligent damage?

Who's responsible for damage?

Should I evict tenant?

Sub-tenancy curtain issue

Right of renewal options

Bond refund rules?

Exposing pest problem

Chattels in sale

Trouble on the horizon?

Notice for inspection

Market rent dispute

Tenancy agreement privacy?

Exit carpet clean

Lease break fee

Change of tenant

Window mould

Tenant changed mind

Cancelled contract

Who pays fixed costs?

Safe drinking water

Early tenancy termination rules

Questioning Tenancy Tribunal decision

Wear and tear or damage?

Tenant rights in foreclosure?

Who pays power reconnection fee?

Who pays for leaking water?

Can I get letting fee back?

Three months rent advance

Letting "family flat"

Letting individual rooms

Granny flat let?

Penalty fee for late rent?

EQC repairs: Uncaring landlord

Bad tenants out

Housing New Zealand properties?

Tracking tenant for tribunal

Maungarakei rent statistics?

Checking out move-in costs?

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Tenancy Tribunal decisions?

Housing New Zealand investment?

Can landlord live out back?

Not responsible for metered water

Seeking information on domestic rentals

Landlord declining fixed-term renewal

Tenant "refusing" to pay rent

Kicked out by flatmate

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Who is liable for lines work?

Want to move to "safe new house"

Cleaning efforts "left a lot to be desired"

Want to move in, can I ask tenants to leave?

Zones for market rent stats?

RTA cover for "not legal residential properties"?

Early exit notice for individually leased room?

Landlord to sort 'non-potable' water

Surely health and safety comes first?

Compensation from broken fixed term?

Wanting out - cold house

Co-tenancy issue

Misled re letting fee?

Fixed utility costs?

Joint tenancy problems

Bond cleaned out?

Wanting tenant's details?

Bad tenants down the street

Privacy breach?

Who pays for aerial?

High water

Key breaching trust?

Working out carpet costs

Landlords' family moving in?

Tenants' overstaying friends

Warning other landlords?

Surprised by letting fee

Tenant doesn't want heat pump

42-day notice on sale?

Key return on early exit?

Mortgagee sale's tenancy issues

Debt payments dried up

Sub-tenant's rights?

Mouldy house

Damage repairs

Sanitary concerns

Obligated to tenant?

Taking over tenancy

Clean drinking water please?

Unsure if bond lodged

42-day notice timing?

Unexpected departure!

Broken washing machine

Hot water changes

Sub-tenant eviction

Giving notice

Receipts for Tribunal claim?

Early return

Who pays temporary accommodation for EQC repairs?

Is lying on references criminal?

Unfair exit for tenants?

Whose problem is mould?

Demanding landlord

No inspection notice given!

Shared hot water

Landlords' bad inspection timing!

GST charged on rent?

Landlord not up to scratch

Hot water leak - who pays?

Pedantic on three days rent arrears

Taking on fixed-term tenancy

Can we get our bond back?

Landlord pushing her luck

Where do I stand?

Bad flatmate needs to go

Cold air coming in

Problem flatmate

Rent to buy information?

Landlord's heating obligations?

Unfair 42-day notice?

Early tenancy exit?

Insulation issues

Multi-tenancy power split?

Disputed rent increase

Clean and fair exit please

Unfair letting fee?

Forged signature for bond refund

Listing chattels

Student flat heating

Cold comfort

Notice on a fixed term?

Unsuitable inspection time

Legalities on house sharing

Subletting breach

Who pays for water damaged TV?

Genuine written notice?

Hoarding tenant

Tenancy mediation scheduling

Open home hassles

Ripped wallpaper

Rules around rent increases?

Open home issues

Interruption to quiet enjoyment

Obstructed access issues

Powerline pressure

Unsure of landlord's intentions

Exiting a Fixed-Term Tenancy

Leaking roof destroyed books, grounds for a tribunal case?

Is an unsigned tenancy agreement enforcable?

Liability for repairs

Changes to waste water charges in Manukau

Liability explained for water service fees and sewage fees

Mad about a meter

Noisy Neighbours

Breaking a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for removal of rubbish?

Tenant Checking Pre-Tenancy

Pool Safety Regulations and Obligations

Can we be evicted if the house sells?

How do I resolve encroachment from my neighbors?

Can the date be amended on a fixed term contract?

Trials and tribulations with Tenancy Tribunal

This is just wrong

Bond: Unlodged?

Ending a fixed-term tenancy

Fixed term tenancy and noise issues

Who pays for chimney cleaning?

Can tenants attach any fixtures to the premises?

Tenants' objecting to renovations

Short term tenancies

Offerings for new landlords

Reasonable rental inspections

Regulation for property managers?

Responsibility for damage caused by damp property

No escape from the house of horror

Mopping up a mess

Carpet conundrum

Who is the Chief Executive referred to in S121 of RTA?

What are landlords's responsibilities regarding heating?

Can I terminate a fixed-term tenancy by notice?

How much notice is given if landlord wants to renovate and live in rental?

Landlord inspections

Cleanliness standards when negotiating contracts

Liability issues of fencing for safety

Overcoming access issues with tenants when selling a rental

Adding cleanliness conditions to RTA agreements

Who is responsible for payment of filling water tanks?

Are landlords allowed a key if locks changed?

Correct procedures for issuing termination notices

Is my agreement valid if one co-owner has not signed?

Enforcement of Tenancy Tribunal Orders

Can tenants be enforced to not use a fireplace?

Rental agreement terms to be met by both landlord and tenant

Offsetting rental income costs against maintenance agreement

Solving 'quiet enjoyment' versus 'access for renovations' issues

Liability over fallen fence in high winds

Carpet cleaning clause

Agreeing to break a fixed-term tenancy

Tools for first-time landlords

Avoiding problems with flatmates

Who pays for temporary accommodation whilst rental repairs carried out?

Do landlords pay to accommodate tenants whilst repair work carried out?

Who pays for water-tank usage?

How can I challenge an unjust Tribunal decision?

How do I set up a tenancy for multiple students?

How do I recover unpaid rent?

Responsibility for paying for fire damage

How often should I carry out property inspections?

Securing tenant's property for nonpayment of rent

Holiday rentals covered under RTA?

My rental bach was trashed, what can I do?

My landlord hasn't lodged my bond, what can I do?

Boundary issues

Property manager not following procedures

Electrical appliance safety for rental properties

Fire damaged my flat, what can I do?

Commercial rent arrears

Can I break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for the costs of a plumber?

Where can I access sales statistics?

The ultimate answer: who pays for water charges?

Do I have recourse for fixed-tenancy being ended early?

Who pays for a broken garage remote?

Is it a standard practice to charge Document Charges?

How does subletting affect a tenancy agreement?

How much notice do I have to give?

Who covers security costs?

Holding passport as security

Where can I find out more about Housing NZ Leasing?

Fixed-term tenancies and rent increases

Can I get an insulation subsidy?

How can I prove a verbal agreement?

Who pays for damages after a burglary?

How can I recover rent arrears?

What recourse do I have for un-permitted alterations?

Who is responsible for pest fumigation?

If renting to students, how can I guarantee rent payment?

Who pays for water usage for lawn maintenance?

What is an acceptable escalation clause for raising rent?

What's the law on appointing an agent whilst overseas?

I have detected a P-lab in my rental, what do I do now?

Who is liable for damage caused to carpets?

What are our rights as property owners?

How do I prove water usage?

How do I define rent increase?

Can a landlord permit a tenant to find another tenant to replace them?

Who pays for the swimming pool chemicals in a rental?

Do WINZ pay rent into landlords account directly?

How can we get our tenant to pay on time?

How much of the bond can the landlord keep?

How do I check prospective Tenants?

Who is responsible for fumigation of infestation?

Should I pay rent on top of my mortgage?

Where can I find info about the landlord subsidy for insulation?

Can we evict our flatmate lawfully?

Who pays for installation of a water meter?

Who can advise me about property management issues?

How can I get my landlord to insulate the property?

Where can I get advice about insulation?

Property manager has not increased rent as asked, what can I do?

What are my rights regarding repairs?

What's the deal with Housing corp tenants?

How do I join a property investor association?

Do I have to pay a letting fee?

Can my tenants break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for smashed windows?

Why wouldn't the tenancy tribunal adjudicator let us speak?

Who is repsonsible for maintanence?

Who pays for a water leak?

Am I liable to pay insurance costs?

How can I get my bond back?

Am I liable for 7 years of back rent?

My tenant doesn't pay rent on time, what can I do?

Who should pay for water charges?

Should I set up LAQC if I take in a tenant?

Tenants want rent reduced, can they demand this?

Can I visit my rental without notice for maintenaince purposes?

Who should pay for a toilet leak, landlord or tenant?

How can I recover rent arrears?

My tenant died leaving damage, what can I do?

How can I cancel a periodic tenancy?

What can be done about an abusive neighbour?

Am I obliged to provide a reference for former tenant?

As a tenant, am I obliged to have contents insurance?

Letting fee paid but lease unsigned, how can I get my letting fee back?

How can I check out potential tenants?

Who pays for water charges?

Whare can I find info about sub-letting?

What are my rights reagrding my landlord's conduct?

As a landlord, am I obliged to furnish flats?

Can I end my fixed tenancy due to an insect infestation?

Is there a resource center for market rental rates?

Can we include a compulsory insurance clause in a tenancy agreement?

How do I resolve a boundary issue with my neighbour?

How do I enforce a 'no parties' clause with my tenants?

What recourse do I have against squatters?

Who is responsible for sweeping the chimney?

A faulty fire alarm raised the fire service, who pays for this?

How do I find data on tenants?

How do I end my fixed term tenancy agreement?

How do I enforce debt recovery from former tenants?

My tenant trashed the house, but I don't have a tenancy agreement, what can I do?

Are capital expenses for renovation tax deductable?

What recourse do I have against poor property management?

Apartment rents differ in my block, is this fair?

How do I handle difficult neighbours?

My rental is not clean, is the property manager accountable?

Is it wise to have a tenancy agreement amongst family and friends?

Is there any protection from land rent increases?

What circumstances would result in the tenant not having to pay a periodic lease?

Is a landlord obliged to give notice for maintainance?

My ex-landlord hasn't returned my bond, what can I do?

TV Antennae installation - who is liable for damage caused?

How do I set up tenancies for individual rooms?

What are my obligations when raising rents?

How do I resolve conflict with neighbours?

If unable to pursue tenant, who pays for water usage debt?

Should I charge tenants for damage to property?

How do I resolve disputes with my landlord?

How can I lawfully raise the bond amount?

What is the usual rent formula for commercial property.

Water Charges: who pays for what?

Blocked basin: whos pays the costs to clean?

Pest control obligations for tenants and landlords

Landlords' recourse for late paying tenants

Can I terminate my fixed term agreement early?

Can I dispose of tenant's belongings they left behind?

My tenants can't pay on time, what recourse do I have?

Under 18 year old tenants, how risky is this option?

Can I sue the developer for water leakage?

Fully-Furnished: what are landlords' obliged to provide?

Where can I get insurance that covers willful damage by tenants?

I bought an ex-showhome and it leaks, what can I do?

Falsely accused of damage to rental, what recourse do I have?

Insurance policies for Landlords

Mis-managed by my property managers, can I sue for malpractice?

Can live-in landlords have tenancy agreements with flatmates?

How do I resolve issues with my tenants?

Who is responsible for damage to property?

What rights does a Landlord have regarding reference checking tenants?

Can I give references about previous tenants?

Can a tenant end a fixed-term tenancy early?

Where can I get insurance for my property investment?

How can I find former tenants who defaulted on payments?

Landlords' responsilbilites regarding water tanks

Landlords' obligations for removing mould

Problems with your property manager?

Contact info for property management advice

When can landlords enter a rented property?

What is Power of Attorney and do I need it?

Service for UK tenants requiring advice

What is the definition of a short term tenancy?

How do I get my landlord to ensure my quiet enjoyment?

Bad tenants and how to avoid them

What are my obligations in respect to bad tv reception?

Who pays for repairs after a burglary?

Who is responsible for vacating tenants on a sold property?

Water leak, who pays for excess useage?

Water Rates, the saga continues..

Renting a sleep-out

Tenancy agreement issues

Terminating tenancy agreement guidelines

Careless or intentional damage by tenants, who is responsible?

What is a letting fee and why should I pay?

Insurance to protect landlords

My property manager has not been doing inspections..

Waste water bills, landlord's or tenant's responsibility?

Finding a property manager

Selling a tenanted property

Management fees on commercial property

Recovering fees for enforcing tenancy orders

Who is responsible for wastewater bills?

Bond disputes and how to resolve them

Recourse for landlords whose tenants burn down the house

Enforcement procedures for debtor leaving NZ

Access to drinking water in a commercial property

Higher than usual water bill

Sub-leasing on a fixed term tenancy agreement

Can a Landlord charge admin fees to tenant?

Access issues when selling a tenanted property

Legislation pertaining to leasehold apartments

Tenancy dispute over 'fair wear and tear'

Advice on selling rental properties with tenants

Insurance cover on rental properties

Faulty fridge, who pays for repairs?

Previous tenant owes rent, what can I do?

Can I throw away a previous tenants belongings?

Can I claim expenses while living in my rental property?

Commercial use of space in a residential property

Enforcement of civil debt

Water rates, who pays for what?

Tenancy disputes due to no-fault fire

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner - Part 2

Can WINZ pay rents direct to Landlord?

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner?

Can we charge the ex-tenant for removing their property?

Selling during fixed-term agreement?

Unhappy with sale process

Tenant's trespass notice

Recovering arrears overseas

Does RTA cover cabins?

Fire exit blocked


Is it lawful the use of the land has been taken from tenants?

Leaking roof and ceiling

Issue with next door tenants

Adding changes to tenancy agreements

Dealing with rent arrears

Carpet damage problem

Illegal sub-let

Bond recovery

Meth liability

Subletting problem

Damages for non-consented work

Failed tenant bond transfer

Repairs refund dispute

Costs for ending a fixed term tenancy

Addressing property damage

Unauthorised bidet addition

Reno provisions for tenants

Tenants' right to quiet enjoyment

Enforcing arrears payment

Tenant options during renovations

Healthy moisture barriers

Rental release terms for prisoner tenant

Deceased bond recovery

Demolition notice period

Adding sleepouts to property

Abandoned goods

No written agreement

Flat-sharing and the RTA

Subletting problems

Costs in ending a fixed term early

Landlord obligations

Tenant renovation agreement

Non-written tenancy agreement

Disagreeing with Tribunal decision

Lodging bonds

Change of tenant rules

Abandoning tenancy

Rent arrears under insolvency

Property management dispute

Rent on illegal sleepout

Change of tenant

EM bail to rental property?

Tenant business in rental property

Payments from bankrupt tenant?

Power responsibilities

Arranging landlord access

Ending tenancy early

Dealing with problem tenant

Evicting troublesome tenant

Breaking fixed term lease

Exit inspection dispute

Renovations while ending tenancy

Rental as registered office address

Joint owner information

Tenancy ended during sale

Violent "visitors"

House-sitting vs sub-letting

Ending fixed term tenancy

Excessive break fees

Abusive flat-share

Replacement tenant clause

Meth dangers

Company tenancy notice

Fixed tenancy sale problem

Rent arrears termination

Unlawful meth testing?

Meth damage liability

Ending fixed term tenancy

Lease release terms

Reclaiming letting fee

Granny flat requirements

Inspection requirements

Data costs dispute

Live-in landlord

Unconsented tenant work

Carpet dispute

Letting fee refund

Flood damage liability

Sex work rental breach?

Monetary orders

Fixed term lease break

Maintenance rules

Bond refund forms

Reno notice period

Adding tenants to agreements

Outgoing responsibilities

Evicting sub-letting tenant

Damage responsibilty

Smoking problem

42 days notice concern

Tenant rental dues

Releasing difficult tenant

Notice for recladding

Missing property

Pool pump charges

Rent arrears eviction

Water charges confusion

Banning rental vandal

Light obligations

Abusive neighbours

Checking tenants

Disruptive maintenance

Fixed term confusion

Rehearing stay of proceedings

Post-tenancy Tribunal time frames

Tenant liability

Water damage problems

Key replacement costs

Getting out of fixed term lease

Insulation notification

Internet service in rentals

Failure to vacate

Responsibility for outgoings

Agreement flaws

Suspect notice

Fixing flood damage

Letting fee dilemma

Collection costs

Is landlord required to provide heating?

Letting fees

Tenancy notice periods

Deducting bond

Repairs & rent reductions

Separating tenancy agreements

Furnishing & maintenance duties

Valid tenancy agreement?

Insuring for Airbnb

Domestic violence damage

Role of property managers

Tenant Airbnb ventures

Chattel damage options

Entry rights

Contacting landlords

Pest control responsibilities

Pet-friendly verbal agreement

Retrospective insulation claim?

Damage claim confusion

Missing tenancy agreement

Leaving unsafe rental

Chattel conditions

Battling the landlord

Dog carpet damage

Moving on tardy tenants

Arresting agreements

Evicting dodgy tenant

Non-compliant rental

Power calculations

Using rental home for business

Right to heating

Damage repair compensation

Additional tenant?

Ensure rental property compliance

Unsatisfactory property

Reluctant landlords' taxes

Misuse of tenancy agreement

Ending fixed term tenancies

Power sharing

Ending fixed-term tenancies

Extra water cost liability

Taking vacant possession

Providing tenants' quiet enjoyment

Transferring tenancies

Property disclosure

No asset procedure

Bad neighbours

Addressing a tenancy breach

Ending fixed term tenancies

Rent holiday

Disclosing tenant information

Reasonable cleaning?

Boarding houses & the RTA

Removing a bad tenant

Letting fee in face of demolition

Landlord without boundaries

Dusty carpets

Rent reduction for sub-division

Illegal conditions

Tenant's home business

Subletting or flatmate situation?

Swimming pool safety

Rent increase timing

Excessive power bills

Tenancy Act cover?

Subletting without permission

Breaking fixed term contract

"Unhealthy house" options?

Tenants privacy rights

Breaching tenancy

Unhealthy rental

Wanting to leave

Tenant moving overseas

Ending a tenancy

Enforcing payment of rent owed

Running toilet leads to bill dispute

Stove repairs

Right of entry for painting

Tenants subletting

Leaking hot water

Bond form not returned

Letting fee refund?

Dirty house!

Bond on fixed-term breach?

No hot water

Identity proof

Ending sub-tenancy?

Contract breach?

Applying for orders

Untrustworthy landlord

Verbal agreement broken

Negligent damage?

Who's responsible for damage?

Should I evict tenant?

Sub-tenancy curtain issue

Right of renewal options

Bond refund rules?

Exposing pest problem

Chattels in sale

Trouble on the horizon?

Notice for inspection

Market rent dispute

Tenancy agreement privacy?

Exit carpet clean

Lease break fee

Change of tenant

Window mould

Tenant changed mind

Cancelled contract

Who pays fixed costs?

Safe drinking water

Early tenancy termination rules

Questioning Tenancy Tribunal decision

Wear and tear or damage?

Tenant rights in foreclosure?

Who pays power reconnection fee?

Who pays for leaking water?

Can I get letting fee back?

Three months rent advance

Letting "family flat"

Letting individual rooms

Granny flat let?

Penalty fee for late rent?

EQC repairs: Uncaring landlord

Bad tenants out

Housing New Zealand properties?

Tracking tenant for tribunal

Maungarakei rent statistics?

Checking out move-in costs?

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Tenancy Tribunal decisions?

Housing New Zealand investment?

Can landlord live out back?

Not responsible for metered water

Seeking information on domestic rentals

Landlord declining fixed-term renewal

Tenant "refusing" to pay rent

Kicked out by flatmate

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Who is liable for lines work?

Want to move to "safe new house"

Cleaning efforts "left a lot to be desired"

Want to move in, can I ask tenants to leave?

Zones for market rent stats?

RTA cover for "not legal residential properties"?

Early exit notice for individually leased room?

Landlord to sort 'non-potable' water

Surely health and safety comes first?

Compensation from broken fixed term?

Wanting out - cold house

Co-tenancy issue

Misled re letting fee?

Fixed utility costs?

Joint tenancy problems

Bond cleaned out?

Wanting tenant's details?

Bad tenants down the street

Privacy breach?

Who pays for aerial?

High water

Key breaching trust?

Working out carpet costs

Landlords' family moving in?

Tenants' overstaying friends

Warning other landlords?

Surprised by letting fee

Tenant doesn't want heat pump

42-day notice on sale?

Key return on early exit?

Mortgagee sale's tenancy issues

Debt payments dried up

Sub-tenant's rights?

Mouldy house

Damage repairs

Sanitary concerns

Obligated to tenant?

Taking over tenancy

Clean drinking water please?

Unsure if bond lodged

42-day notice timing?

Unexpected departure!

Broken washing machine

Hot water changes

Sub-tenant eviction

Giving notice

Receipts for Tribunal claim?

Early return

Who pays temporary accommodation for EQC repairs?

Is lying on references criminal?

Unfair exit for tenants?

Whose problem is mould?

Demanding landlord

No inspection notice given!

Shared hot water

Landlords' bad inspection timing!

GST charged on rent?

Landlord not up to scratch

Hot water leak - who pays?

Pedantic on three days rent arrears

Taking on fixed-term tenancy

Can we get our bond back?

Landlord pushing her luck

Where do I stand?

Bad flatmate needs to go

Cold air coming in

Problem flatmate

Rent to buy information?

Landlord's heating obligations?

Unfair 42-day notice?

Early tenancy exit?

Insulation issues

Multi-tenancy power split?

Disputed rent increase

Clean and fair exit please

Unfair letting fee?

Forged signature for bond refund

Listing chattels

Student flat heating

Cold comfort

Notice on a fixed term?

Unsuitable inspection time

Legalities on house sharing

Subletting breach

Who pays for water damaged TV?

Genuine written notice?

Hoarding tenant

Tenancy mediation scheduling

Open home hassles

Ripped wallpaper

Rules around rent increases?

Open home issues

Interruption to quiet enjoyment

Obstructed access issues

Powerline pressure

Unsure of landlord's intentions

Exiting a Fixed-Term Tenancy

Leaking roof destroyed books, grounds for a tribunal case?

Is an unsigned tenancy agreement enforcable?

Liability for repairs

Changes to waste water charges in Manukau

Liability explained for water service fees and sewage fees

Mad about a meter

Noisy Neighbours

Breaking a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for removal of rubbish?

Tenant Checking Pre-Tenancy

Pool Safety Regulations and Obligations

Can we be evicted if the house sells?

How do I resolve encroachment from my neighbors?

Can the date be amended on a fixed term contract?

Trials and tribulations with Tenancy Tribunal

This is just wrong

Bond: Unlodged?

Ending a fixed-term tenancy

Fixed term tenancy and noise issues

Who pays for chimney cleaning?

Can tenants attach any fixtures to the premises?

Tenants' objecting to renovations

Short term tenancies

Offerings for new landlords

Reasonable rental inspections

Regulation for property managers?

Responsibility for damage caused by damp property

No escape from the house of horror

Mopping up a mess

Carpet conundrum

Who is the Chief Executive referred to in S121 of RTA?

What are landlords's responsibilities regarding heating?

Can I terminate a fixed-term tenancy by notice?

How much notice is given if landlord wants to renovate and live in rental?

Landlord inspections

Cleanliness standards when negotiating contracts

Liability issues of fencing for safety

Overcoming access issues with tenants when selling a rental

Adding cleanliness conditions to RTA agreements

Who is responsible for payment of filling water tanks?

Are landlords allowed a key if locks changed?

Correct procedures for issuing termination notices

Is my agreement valid if one co-owner has not signed?

Enforcement of Tenancy Tribunal Orders

Can tenants be enforced to not use a fireplace?

Rental agreement terms to be met by both landlord and tenant

Offsetting rental income costs against maintenance agreement

Solving 'quiet enjoyment' versus 'access for renovations' issues

Liability over fallen fence in high winds

Carpet cleaning clause

Agreeing to break a fixed-term tenancy

Tools for first-time landlords

Avoiding problems with flatmates

Who pays for temporary accommodation whilst rental repairs carried out?

Do landlords pay to accommodate tenants whilst repair work carried out?

Who pays for water-tank usage?

How can I challenge an unjust Tribunal decision?

How do I set up a tenancy for multiple students?

How do I recover unpaid rent?

Responsibility for paying for fire damage

How often should I carry out property inspections?

Securing tenant's property for nonpayment of rent

Holiday rentals covered under RTA?

My rental bach was trashed, what can I do?

My landlord hasn't lodged my bond, what can I do?

Boundary issues

Property manager not following procedures

Electrical appliance safety for rental properties

Fire damaged my flat, what can I do?

Commercial rent arrears

Can I break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for the costs of a plumber?

Where can I access sales statistics?

The ultimate answer: who pays for water charges?

Do I have recourse for fixed-tenancy being ended early?

Who pays for a broken garage remote?

Is it a standard practice to charge Document Charges?

How does subletting affect a tenancy agreement?

How much notice do I have to give?

Who covers security costs?

Holding passport as security

Where can I find out more about Housing NZ Leasing?

Fixed-term tenancies and rent increases

Can I get an insulation subsidy?

How can I prove a verbal agreement?

Who pays for damages after a burglary?

How can I recover rent arrears?

What recourse do I have for un-permitted alterations?

Who is responsible for pest fumigation?

If renting to students, how can I guarantee rent payment?

Who pays for water usage for lawn maintenance?

What is an acceptable escalation clause for raising rent?

What's the law on appointing an agent whilst overseas?

I have detected a P-lab in my rental, what do I do now?

Who is liable for damage caused to carpets?

What are our rights as property owners?

How do I prove water usage?

How do I define rent increase?

Can a landlord permit a tenant to find another tenant to replace them?

Who pays for the swimming pool chemicals in a rental?

Do WINZ pay rent into landlords account directly?

How can we get our tenant to pay on time?

How much of the bond can the landlord keep?

How do I check prospective Tenants?

Who is responsible for fumigation of infestation?

Should I pay rent on top of my mortgage?

Where can I find info about the landlord subsidy for insulation?

Can we evict our flatmate lawfully?

Who pays for installation of a water meter?

Who can advise me about property management issues?

How can I get my landlord to insulate the property?

Where can I get advice about insulation?

Property manager has not increased rent as asked, what can I do?

What are my rights regarding repairs?

What's the deal with Housing corp tenants?

How do I join a property investor association?

Do I have to pay a letting fee?

Can my tenants break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for smashed windows?

Why wouldn't the tenancy tribunal adjudicator let us speak?

Who is repsonsible for maintanence?

Who pays for a water leak?

Am I liable to pay insurance costs?

How can I get my bond back?

Am I liable for 7 years of back rent?

My tenant doesn't pay rent on time, what can I do?

Who should pay for water charges?

Should I set up LAQC if I take in a tenant?

Tenants want rent reduced, can they demand this?

Can I visit my rental without notice for maintenaince purposes?

Who should pay for a toilet leak, landlord or tenant?

How can I recover rent arrears?

My tenant died leaving damage, what can I do?

How can I cancel a periodic tenancy?

What can be done about an abusive neighbour?

Am I obliged to provide a reference for former tenant?

As a tenant, am I obliged to have contents insurance?

Letting fee paid but lease unsigned, how can I get my letting fee back?

How can I check out potential tenants?

Who pays for water charges?

Whare can I find info about sub-letting?

What are my rights reagrding my landlord's conduct?

As a landlord, am I obliged to furnish flats?

Can I end my fixed tenancy due to an insect infestation?

Is there a resource center for market rental rates?

Can we include a compulsory insurance clause in a tenancy agreement?

How do I resolve a boundary issue with my neighbour?

How do I enforce a 'no parties' clause with my tenants?

What recourse do I have against squatters?

Who is responsible for sweeping the chimney?

A faulty fire alarm raised the fire service, who pays for this?

How do I find data on tenants?

How do I end my fixed term tenancy agreement?

How do I enforce debt recovery from former tenants?

My tenant trashed the house, but I don't have a tenancy agreement, what can I do?

Are capital expenses for renovation tax deductable?

What recourse do I have against poor property management?

Apartment rents differ in my block, is this fair?

How do I handle difficult neighbours?

My rental is not clean, is the property manager accountable?

Is it wise to have a tenancy agreement amongst family and friends?

Is there any protection from land rent increases?

What circumstances would result in the tenant not having to pay a periodic lease?

Is a landlord obliged to give notice for maintainance?

My ex-landlord hasn't returned my bond, what can I do?

TV Antennae installation - who is liable for damage caused?

How do I set up tenancies for individual rooms?

What are my obligations when raising rents?

How do I resolve conflict with neighbours?

If unable to pursue tenant, who pays for water usage debt?

Should I charge tenants for damage to property?

How do I resolve disputes with my landlord?

How can I lawfully raise the bond amount?

What is the usual rent formula for commercial property.

Water Charges: who pays for what?

Blocked basin: whos pays the costs to clean?

Pest control obligations for tenants and landlords

Landlords' recourse for late paying tenants

Can I terminate my fixed term agreement early?

Can I dispose of tenant's belongings they left behind?

My tenants can't pay on time, what recourse do I have?

Under 18 year old tenants, how risky is this option?

Can I sue the developer for water leakage?

Fully-Furnished: what are landlords' obliged to provide?

Where can I get insurance that covers willful damage by tenants?

I bought an ex-showhome and it leaks, what can I do?

Falsely accused of damage to rental, what recourse do I have?

Insurance policies for Landlords

Mis-managed by my property managers, can I sue for malpractice?

Can live-in landlords have tenancy agreements with flatmates?

How do I resolve issues with my tenants?

Who is responsible for damage to property?

What rights does a Landlord have regarding reference checking tenants?

Can I give references about previous tenants?

Can a tenant end a fixed-term tenancy early?

Where can I get insurance for my property investment?

How can I find former tenants who defaulted on payments?

Landlords' responsilbilites regarding water tanks

Landlords' obligations for removing mould

Problems with your property manager?

Contact info for property management advice

When can landlords enter a rented property?

What is Power of Attorney and do I need it?

Service for UK tenants requiring advice

What is the definition of a short term tenancy?

How do I get my landlord to ensure my quiet enjoyment?

Bad tenants and how to avoid them

What are my obligations in respect to bad tv reception?

Who pays for repairs after a burglary?

Who is responsible for vacating tenants on a sold property?

Water leak, who pays for excess useage?

Water Rates, the saga continues..

Renting a sleep-out

Tenancy agreement issues

Terminating tenancy agreement guidelines

Careless or intentional damage by tenants, who is responsible?

What is a letting fee and why should I pay?

Insurance to protect landlords

My property manager has not been doing inspections..

Waste water bills, landlord's or tenant's responsibility?

Finding a property manager

Selling a tenanted property

Management fees on commercial property

Recovering fees for enforcing tenancy orders

Who is responsible for wastewater bills?

Bond disputes and how to resolve them

Recourse for landlords whose tenants burn down the house

Enforcement procedures for debtor leaving NZ

Access to drinking water in a commercial property

Higher than usual water bill

Sub-leasing on a fixed term tenancy agreement

Can a Landlord charge admin fees to tenant?

Access issues when selling a tenanted property

Legislation pertaining to leasehold apartments

Tenancy dispute over 'fair wear and tear'

Advice on selling rental properties with tenants

Insurance cover on rental properties

Faulty fridge, who pays for repairs?

Previous tenant owes rent, what can I do?

Can I throw away a previous tenants belongings?

Can I claim expenses while living in my rental property?

Commercial use of space in a residential property

Enforcement of civil debt

Water rates, who pays for what?

Tenancy disputes due to no-fault fire

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner - Part 2

Can WINZ pay rents direct to Landlord?

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner?

Can we charge the ex-tenant for removing their property?

Selling during fixed-term agreement?

Unhappy with sale process

Tenant's trespass notice

Recovering arrears overseas

Does RTA cover cabins?

Fire exit blocked


Is it lawful the use of the land has been taken from tenants?

Leaking roof and ceiling

Issue with next door tenants

Adding changes to tenancy agreements

Dealing with rent arrears

Carpet damage problem

Illegal sub-let

Bond recovery

Meth liability

Subletting problem

Damages for non-consented work

Failed tenant bond transfer

Repairs refund dispute

Costs for ending a fixed term tenancy

Addressing property damage

Unauthorised bidet addition

Reno provisions for tenants

Tenants' right to quiet enjoyment

Enforcing arrears payment

Tenant options during renovations

Healthy moisture barriers

Rental release terms for prisoner tenant

Deceased bond recovery

Demolition notice period

Adding sleepouts to property

Abandoned goods

No written agreement

Flat-sharing and the RTA

Subletting problems

Costs in ending a fixed term early

Landlord obligations

Tenant renovation agreement

Non-written tenancy agreement

Disagreeing with Tribunal decision

Lodging bonds

Change of tenant rules

Abandoning tenancy

Rent arrears under insolvency

Property management dispute

Rent on illegal sleepout

Change of tenant

EM bail to rental property?

Tenant business in rental property

Payments from bankrupt tenant?

Power responsibilities

Arranging landlord access

Ending tenancy early

Dealing with problem tenant

Evicting troublesome tenant

Breaking fixed term lease

Exit inspection dispute

Renovations while ending tenancy

Rental as registered office address

Joint owner information

Tenancy ended during sale

Violent "visitors"

House-sitting vs sub-letting

Ending fixed term tenancy

Excessive break fees

Abusive flat-share

Replacement tenant clause

Meth dangers

Company tenancy notice

Fixed tenancy sale problem

Rent arrears termination

Unlawful meth testing?

Meth damage liability

Ending fixed term tenancy

Lease release terms

Reclaiming letting fee

Granny flat requirements

Inspection requirements

Data costs dispute

Live-in landlord

Unconsented tenant work

Carpet dispute

Letting fee refund

Flood damage liability

Sex work rental breach?

Monetary orders

Fixed term lease break

Maintenance rules

Bond refund forms

Reno notice period

Adding tenants to agreements

Outgoing responsibilities

Evicting sub-letting tenant

Damage responsibilty

Smoking problem

42 days notice concern

Tenant rental dues

Releasing difficult tenant

Notice for recladding

Missing property

Pool pump charges

Rent arrears eviction

Water charges confusion

Banning rental vandal

Light obligations

Abusive neighbours

Checking tenants

Disruptive maintenance

Fixed term confusion

Rehearing stay of proceedings

Post-tenancy Tribunal time frames

Tenant liability

Water damage problems

Key replacement costs

Getting out of fixed term lease

Insulation notification

Internet service in rentals

Failure to vacate

Responsibility for outgoings

Agreement flaws

Suspect notice

Fixing flood damage

Letting fee dilemma

Collection costs

Is landlord required to provide heating?

Letting fees

Tenancy notice periods

Deducting bond

Repairs & rent reductions

Separating tenancy agreements

Furnishing & maintenance duties

Valid tenancy agreement?

Insuring for Airbnb

Domestic violence damage

Role of property managers

Tenant Airbnb ventures

Chattel damage options

Entry rights

Contacting landlords

Pest control responsibilities

Pet-friendly verbal agreement

Retrospective insulation claim?

Damage claim confusion

Missing tenancy agreement

Leaving unsafe rental

Chattel conditions

Battling the landlord

Dog carpet damage

Moving on tardy tenants

Arresting agreements

Evicting dodgy tenant

Non-compliant rental

Power calculations

Using rental home for business

Right to heating

Damage repair compensation

Additional tenant?

Ensure rental property compliance

Unsatisfactory property

Reluctant landlords' taxes

Misuse of tenancy agreement

Ending fixed term tenancies

Power sharing

Ending fixed-term tenancies

Extra water cost liability

Taking vacant possession

Providing tenants' quiet enjoyment

Transferring tenancies

Property disclosure

No asset procedure

Bad neighbours

Addressing a tenancy breach

Ending fixed term tenancies

Rent holiday

Disclosing tenant information

Reasonable cleaning?

Boarding houses & the RTA

Removing a bad tenant

Letting fee in face of demolition

Landlord without boundaries

Dusty carpets

Rent reduction for sub-division

Illegal conditions

Tenant's home business

Subletting or flatmate situation?

Swimming pool safety

Rent increase timing

Excessive power bills

Tenancy Act cover?

Subletting without permission

Breaking fixed term contract

"Unhealthy house" options?

Tenants privacy rights

Breaching tenancy

Unhealthy rental

Wanting to leave

Tenant moving overseas

Ending a tenancy

Enforcing payment of rent owed

Running toilet leads to bill dispute

Stove repairs

Right of entry for painting

Tenants subletting

Leaking hot water

Bond form not returned

Letting fee refund?

Dirty house!

Bond on fixed-term breach?

No hot water

Identity proof

Ending sub-tenancy?

Contract breach?

Applying for orders

Untrustworthy landlord

Verbal agreement broken

Negligent damage?

Who's responsible for damage?

Should I evict tenant?

Sub-tenancy curtain issue

Right of renewal options

Bond refund rules?

Exposing pest problem

Chattels in sale

Trouble on the horizon?

Notice for inspection

Market rent dispute

Tenancy agreement privacy?

Exit carpet clean

Lease break fee

Change of tenant

Window mould

Tenant changed mind

Cancelled contract

Who pays fixed costs?

Safe drinking water

Early tenancy termination rules

Questioning Tenancy Tribunal decision

Wear and tear or damage?

Tenant rights in foreclosure?

Who pays power reconnection fee?

Who pays for leaking water?

Can I get letting fee back?

Three months rent advance

Letting "family flat"

Letting individual rooms

Granny flat let?

Penalty fee for late rent?

EQC repairs: Uncaring landlord

Bad tenants out

Housing New Zealand properties?

Tracking tenant for tribunal

Maungarakei rent statistics?

Checking out move-in costs?

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Tenancy Tribunal decisions?

Housing New Zealand investment?

Can landlord live out back?

Not responsible for metered water

Seeking information on domestic rentals

Landlord declining fixed-term renewal

Tenant "refusing" to pay rent

Kicked out by flatmate

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Who is liable for lines work?

Want to move to "safe new house"

Cleaning efforts "left a lot to be desired"

Want to move in, can I ask tenants to leave?

Zones for market rent stats?

RTA cover for "not legal residential properties"?

Early exit notice for individually leased room?

Landlord to sort 'non-potable' water

Surely health and safety comes first?

Compensation from broken fixed term?

Wanting out - cold house

Co-tenancy issue

Misled re letting fee?

Fixed utility costs?

Joint tenancy problems

Bond cleaned out?

Wanting tenant's details?

Bad tenants down the street

Privacy breach?

Who pays for aerial?

High water

Key breaching trust?

Working out carpet costs

Landlords' family moving in?

Tenants' overstaying friends

Warning other landlords?

Surprised by letting fee

Tenant doesn't want heat pump

42-day notice on sale?

Key return on early exit?

Mortgagee sale's tenancy issues

Debt payments dried up

Sub-tenant's rights?

Mouldy house

Damage repairs

Sanitary concerns

Obligated to tenant?

Taking over tenancy

Clean drinking water please?

Unsure if bond lodged

42-day notice timing?

Unexpected departure!

Broken washing machine

Hot water changes

Sub-tenant eviction

Giving notice

Receipts for Tribunal claim?

Early return

Who pays temporary accommodation for EQC repairs?

Is lying on references criminal?

Unfair exit for tenants?

Whose problem is mould?

Demanding landlord

No inspection notice given!

Shared hot water

Landlords' bad inspection timing!

GST charged on rent?

Landlord not up to scratch

Hot water leak - who pays?

Pedantic on three days rent arrears

Taking on fixed-term tenancy

Can we get our bond back?

Landlord pushing her luck

Where do I stand?

Bad flatmate needs to go

Cold air coming in

Problem flatmate

Rent to buy information?

Landlord's heating obligations?

Unfair 42-day notice?

Early tenancy exit?

Insulation issues

Multi-tenancy power split?

Disputed rent increase

Clean and fair exit please

Unfair letting fee?

Forged signature for bond refund

Listing chattels

Student flat heating

Cold comfort

Notice on a fixed term?

Unsuitable inspection time

Legalities on house sharing

Subletting breach

Who pays for water damaged TV?

Genuine written notice?

Hoarding tenant

Tenancy mediation scheduling

Open home hassles

Ripped wallpaper

Rules around rent increases?

Open home issues

Interruption to quiet enjoyment

Obstructed access issues

Powerline pressure

Unsure of landlord's intentions

Exiting a Fixed-Term Tenancy

Leaking roof destroyed books, grounds for a tribunal case?

Is an unsigned tenancy agreement enforcable?

Liability for repairs

Changes to waste water charges in Manukau

Liability explained for water service fees and sewage fees

Mad about a meter

Noisy Neighbours

Breaking a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for removal of rubbish?

Tenant Checking Pre-Tenancy

Pool Safety Regulations and Obligations

Can we be evicted if the house sells?

How do I resolve encroachment from my neighbors?

Can the date be amended on a fixed term contract?

Trials and tribulations with Tenancy Tribunal

This is just wrong

Bond: Unlodged?

Ending a fixed-term tenancy

Fixed term tenancy and noise issues

Who pays for chimney cleaning?

Can tenants attach any fixtures to the premises?

Tenants' objecting to renovations

Short term tenancies

Offerings for new landlords

Reasonable rental inspections

Regulation for property managers?

Responsibility for damage caused by damp property

No escape from the house of horror

Mopping up a mess

Carpet conundrum

Who is the Chief Executive referred to in S121 of RTA?

What are landlords's responsibilities regarding heating?

Can I terminate a fixed-term tenancy by notice?

How much notice is given if landlord wants to renovate and live in rental?

Landlord inspections

Cleanliness standards when negotiating contracts

Liability issues of fencing for safety

Overcoming access issues with tenants when selling a rental

Adding cleanliness conditions to RTA agreements

Who is responsible for payment of filling water tanks?

Are landlords allowed a key if locks changed?

Correct procedures for issuing termination notices

Is my agreement valid if one co-owner has not signed?

Enforcement of Tenancy Tribunal Orders

Can tenants be enforced to not use a fireplace?

Rental agreement terms to be met by both landlord and tenant

Offsetting rental income costs against maintenance agreement

Solving 'quiet enjoyment' versus 'access for renovations' issues

Liability over fallen fence in high winds

Carpet cleaning clause

Agreeing to break a fixed-term tenancy

Tools for first-time landlords

Avoiding problems with flatmates

Who pays for temporary accommodation whilst rental repairs carried out?

Do landlords pay to accommodate tenants whilst repair work carried out?

Who pays for water-tank usage?

How can I challenge an unjust Tribunal decision?

How do I set up a tenancy for multiple students?

How do I recover unpaid rent?

Responsibility for paying for fire damage

How often should I carry out property inspections?

Securing tenant's property for nonpayment of rent

Holiday rentals covered under RTA?

My rental bach was trashed, what can I do?

My landlord hasn't lodged my bond, what can I do?

Boundary issues

Property manager not following procedures

Electrical appliance safety for rental properties

Fire damaged my flat, what can I do?

Commercial rent arrears

Can I break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for the costs of a plumber?

Where can I access sales statistics?

The ultimate answer: who pays for water charges?

Do I have recourse for fixed-tenancy being ended early?

Who pays for a broken garage remote?

Is it a standard practice to charge Document Charges?

How does subletting affect a tenancy agreement?

How much notice do I have to give?

Who covers security costs?

Holding passport as security

Where can I find out more about Housing NZ Leasing?

Fixed-term tenancies and rent increases

Can I get an insulation subsidy?

How can I prove a verbal agreement?

Who pays for damages after a burglary?

How can I recover rent arrears?

What recourse do I have for un-permitted alterations?

Who is responsible for pest fumigation?

If renting to students, how can I guarantee rent payment?

Who pays for water usage for lawn maintenance?

What is an acceptable escalation clause for raising rent?

What's the law on appointing an agent whilst overseas?

I have detected a P-lab in my rental, what do I do now?

Who is liable for damage caused to carpets?

What are our rights as property owners?

How do I prove water usage?

How do I define rent increase?

Can a landlord permit a tenant to find another tenant to replace them?

Who pays for the swimming pool chemicals in a rental?

Do WINZ pay rent into landlords account directly?

How can we get our tenant to pay on time?

How much of the bond can the landlord keep?

How do I check prospective Tenants?

Who is responsible for fumigation of infestation?

Should I pay rent on top of my mortgage?

Where can I find info about the landlord subsidy for insulation?

Can we evict our flatmate lawfully?

Who pays for installation of a water meter?

Who can advise me about property management issues?

How can I get my landlord to insulate the property?

Where can I get advice about insulation?

Property manager has not increased rent as asked, what can I do?

What are my rights regarding repairs?

What's the deal with Housing corp tenants?

How do I join a property investor association?

Do I have to pay a letting fee?

Can my tenants break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for smashed windows?

Why wouldn't the tenancy tribunal adjudicator let us speak?

Who is repsonsible for maintanence?

Who pays for a water leak?

Am I liable to pay insurance costs?

How can I get my bond back?

Am I liable for 7 years of back rent?

My tenant doesn't pay rent on time, what can I do?

Who should pay for water charges?

Should I set up LAQC if I take in a tenant?

Tenants want rent reduced, can they demand this?

Can I visit my rental without notice for maintenaince purposes?

Who should pay for a toilet leak, landlord or tenant?

How can I recover rent arrears?

My tenant died leaving damage, what can I do?

How can I cancel a periodic tenancy?

What can be done about an abusive neighbour?

Am I obliged to provide a reference for former tenant?

As a tenant, am I obliged to have contents insurance?

Letting fee paid but lease unsigned, how can I get my letting fee back?

How can I check out potential tenants?

Who pays for water charges?

Whare can I find info about sub-letting?

What are my rights reagrding my landlord's conduct?

As a landlord, am I obliged to furnish flats?

Can I end my fixed tenancy due to an insect infestation?

Is there a resource center for market rental rates?

Can we include a compulsory insurance clause in a tenancy agreement?

How do I resolve a boundary issue with my neighbour?

How do I enforce a 'no parties' clause with my tenants?

What recourse do I have against squatters?

Who is responsible for sweeping the chimney?

A faulty fire alarm raised the fire service, who pays for this?

How do I find data on tenants?

How do I end my fixed term tenancy agreement?

How do I enforce debt recovery from former tenants?

My tenant trashed the house, but I don't have a tenancy agreement, what can I do?

Are capital expenses for renovation tax deductable?

What recourse do I have against poor property management?

Apartment rents differ in my block, is this fair?

How do I handle difficult neighbours?

My rental is not clean, is the property manager accountable?

Is it wise to have a tenancy agreement amongst family and friends?

Is there any protection from land rent increases?

What circumstances would result in the tenant not having to pay a periodic lease?

Is a landlord obliged to give notice for maintainance?

My ex-landlord hasn't returned my bond, what can I do?

TV Antennae installation - who is liable for damage caused?

How do I set up tenancies for individual rooms?

What are my obligations when raising rents?

How do I resolve conflict with neighbours?

If unable to pursue tenant, who pays for water usage debt?

Should I charge tenants for damage to property?

How do I resolve disputes with my landlord?

How can I lawfully raise the bond amount?

What is the usual rent formula for commercial property.

Water Charges: who pays for what?

Blocked basin: whos pays the costs to clean?

Pest control obligations for tenants and landlords

Landlords' recourse for late paying tenants

Can I terminate my fixed term agreement early?

Can I dispose of tenant's belongings they left behind?

My tenants can't pay on time, what recourse do I have?

Under 18 year old tenants, how risky is this option?

Can I sue the developer for water leakage?

Fully-Furnished: what are landlords' obliged to provide?

Where can I get insurance that covers willful damage by tenants?

I bought an ex-showhome and it leaks, what can I do?

Falsely accused of damage to rental, what recourse do I have?

Insurance policies for Landlords

Mis-managed by my property managers, can I sue for malpractice?

Can live-in landlords have tenancy agreements with flatmates?

How do I resolve issues with my tenants?

Who is responsible for damage to property?

What rights does a Landlord have regarding reference checking tenants?

Can I give references about previous tenants?

Can a tenant end a fixed-term tenancy early?

Where can I get insurance for my property investment?

How can I find former tenants who defaulted on payments?

Landlords' responsilbilites regarding water tanks

Landlords' obligations for removing mould

Problems with your property manager?

Contact info for property management advice

When can landlords enter a rented property?

What is Power of Attorney and do I need it?

Service for UK tenants requiring advice

What is the definition of a short term tenancy?

How do I get my landlord to ensure my quiet enjoyment?

Bad tenants and how to avoid them

What are my obligations in respect to bad tv reception?

Who pays for repairs after a burglary?

Who is responsible for vacating tenants on a sold property?

Water leak, who pays for excess useage?

Water Rates, the saga continues..

Renting a sleep-out

Tenancy agreement issues

Terminating tenancy agreement guidelines

Careless or intentional damage by tenants, who is responsible?

What is a letting fee and why should I pay?

Insurance to protect landlords

My property manager has not been doing inspections..

Waste water bills, landlord's or tenant's responsibility?

Finding a property manager

Selling a tenanted property

Management fees on commercial property

Recovering fees for enforcing tenancy orders

Who is responsible for wastewater bills?

Bond disputes and how to resolve them

Recourse for landlords whose tenants burn down the house

Enforcement procedures for debtor leaving NZ

Access to drinking water in a commercial property

Higher than usual water bill

Sub-leasing on a fixed term tenancy agreement

Can a Landlord charge admin fees to tenant?

Access issues when selling a tenanted property

Legislation pertaining to leasehold apartments

Tenancy dispute over 'fair wear and tear'

Advice on selling rental properties with tenants

Insurance cover on rental properties

Faulty fridge, who pays for repairs?

Previous tenant owes rent, what can I do?

Can I throw away a previous tenants belongings?

Can I claim expenses while living in my rental property?

Commercial use of space in a residential property

Enforcement of civil debt

Water rates, who pays for what?

Tenancy disputes due to no-fault fire

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner - Part 2

Can WINZ pay rents direct to Landlord?

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner?

Can we charge the ex-tenant for removing their property?

Selling during fixed-term agreement?

Unhappy with sale process

Tenant's trespass notice

Recovering arrears overseas

Does RTA cover cabins?

Fire exit blocked


Is it lawful the use of the land has been taken from tenants?

Leaking roof and ceiling

Issue with next door tenants

Adding changes to tenancy agreements

Dealing with rent arrears

Carpet damage problem

Illegal sub-let

Bond recovery

Meth liability

Subletting problem

Damages for non-consented work

Failed tenant bond transfer

Repairs refund dispute

Costs for ending a fixed term tenancy

Addressing property damage

Unauthorised bidet addition

Reno provisions for tenants

Tenants' right to quiet enjoyment

Enforcing arrears payment

Tenant options during renovations

Healthy moisture barriers

Rental release terms for prisoner tenant

Deceased bond recovery

Demolition notice period

Adding sleepouts to property

Abandoned goods

No written agreement

Flat-sharing and the RTA

Subletting problems

Costs in ending a fixed term early

Landlord obligations

Tenant renovation agreement

Non-written tenancy agreement

Disagreeing with Tribunal decision

Lodging bonds

Change of tenant rules

Abandoning tenancy

Rent arrears under insolvency

Property management dispute

Rent on illegal sleepout

Change of tenant

EM bail to rental property?

Tenant business in rental property

Payments from bankrupt tenant?

Power responsibilities

Arranging landlord access

Ending tenancy early

Dealing with problem tenant

Evicting troublesome tenant

Breaking fixed term lease

Exit inspection dispute

Renovations while ending tenancy

Rental as registered office address

Joint owner information

Tenancy ended during sale

Violent "visitors"

House-sitting vs sub-letting

Ending fixed term tenancy

Excessive break fees

Abusive flat-share

Replacement tenant clause

Meth dangers

Company tenancy notice

Fixed tenancy sale problem

Rent arrears termination

Unlawful meth testing?

Meth damage liability

Ending fixed term tenancy

Lease release terms

Reclaiming letting fee

Granny flat requirements

Inspection requirements

Data costs dispute

Live-in landlord

Unconsented tenant work

Carpet dispute

Letting fee refund

Flood damage liability

Sex work rental breach?

Monetary orders

Fixed term lease break

Maintenance rules

Bond refund forms

Reno notice period

Adding tenants to agreements

Outgoing responsibilities

Evicting sub-letting tenant

Damage responsibilty

Smoking problem

42 days notice concern

Tenant rental dues

Releasing difficult tenant

Notice for recladding

Missing property

Pool pump charges

Rent arrears eviction

Water charges confusion

Banning rental vandal

Light obligations

Abusive neighbours

Checking tenants

Disruptive maintenance

Fixed term confusion

Rehearing stay of proceedings

Post-tenancy Tribunal time frames

Tenant liability

Water damage problems

Key replacement costs

Getting out of fixed term lease

Insulation notification

Internet service in rentals

Failure to vacate

Responsibility for outgoings

Agreement flaws

Suspect notice

Fixing flood damage

Letting fee dilemma

Collection costs

Is landlord required to provide heating?

Letting fees

Tenancy notice periods

Deducting bond

Repairs & rent reductions

Separating tenancy agreements

Furnishing & maintenance duties

Valid tenancy agreement?

Insuring for Airbnb

Domestic violence damage

Role of property managers

Tenant Airbnb ventures

Chattel damage options

Entry rights

Contacting landlords

Pest control responsibilities

Pet-friendly verbal agreement

Retrospective insulation claim?

Damage claim confusion

Missing tenancy agreement

Leaving unsafe rental

Chattel conditions

Battling the landlord

Dog carpet damage

Moving on tardy tenants

Arresting agreements

Evicting dodgy tenant

Non-compliant rental

Power calculations

Using rental home for business

Right to heating

Damage repair compensation

Additional tenant?

Ensure rental property compliance

Unsatisfactory property

Reluctant landlords' taxes

Misuse of tenancy agreement

Ending fixed term tenancies

Power sharing

Ending fixed-term tenancies

Extra water cost liability

Taking vacant possession

Providing tenants' quiet enjoyment

Transferring tenancies

Property disclosure

No asset procedure

Bad neighbours

Addressing a tenancy breach

Ending fixed term tenancies

Rent holiday

Disclosing tenant information

Reasonable cleaning?

Boarding houses & the RTA

Removing a bad tenant

Letting fee in face of demolition

Landlord without boundaries

Dusty carpets

Rent reduction for sub-division

Illegal conditions

Tenant's home business

Subletting or flatmate situation?

Swimming pool safety

Rent increase timing

Excessive power bills

Tenancy Act cover?

Subletting without permission

Breaking fixed term contract

"Unhealthy house" options?

Tenants privacy rights

Breaching tenancy

Unhealthy rental

Wanting to leave

Tenant moving overseas

Ending a tenancy

Enforcing payment of rent owed

Running toilet leads to bill dispute

Stove repairs

Right of entry for painting

Tenants subletting

Leaking hot water

Bond form not returned

Letting fee refund?

Dirty house!

Bond on fixed-term breach?

No hot water

Identity proof

Ending sub-tenancy?

Contract breach?

Applying for orders

Untrustworthy landlord

Verbal agreement broken

Negligent damage?

Who's responsible for damage?

Should I evict tenant?

Sub-tenancy curtain issue

Right of renewal options

Bond refund rules?

Exposing pest problem

Chattels in sale

Trouble on the horizon?

Notice for inspection

Market rent dispute

Tenancy agreement privacy?

Exit carpet clean

Lease break fee

Change of tenant

Window mould

Tenant changed mind

Cancelled contract

Who pays fixed costs?

Safe drinking water

Early tenancy termination rules

Questioning Tenancy Tribunal decision

Wear and tear or damage?

Tenant rights in foreclosure?

Who pays power reconnection fee?

Who pays for leaking water?

Can I get letting fee back?

Three months rent advance

Letting "family flat"

Letting individual rooms

Granny flat let?

Penalty fee for late rent?

EQC repairs: Uncaring landlord

Bad tenants out

Housing New Zealand properties?

Tracking tenant for tribunal

Maungarakei rent statistics?

Checking out move-in costs?

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Tenancy Tribunal decisions?

Housing New Zealand investment?

Can landlord live out back?

Not responsible for metered water

Seeking information on domestic rentals

Landlord declining fixed-term renewal

Tenant "refusing" to pay rent

Kicked out by flatmate

Ending fixed-term tenancy early?

Who is liable for lines work?

Want to move to "safe new house"

Cleaning efforts "left a lot to be desired"

Want to move in, can I ask tenants to leave?

Zones for market rent stats?

RTA cover for "not legal residential properties"?

Early exit notice for individually leased room?

Landlord to sort 'non-potable' water

Surely health and safety comes first?

Compensation from broken fixed term?

Wanting out - cold house

Co-tenancy issue

Misled re letting fee?

Fixed utility costs?

Joint tenancy problems

Bond cleaned out?

Wanting tenant's details?

Bad tenants down the street

Privacy breach?

Who pays for aerial?

High water

Key breaching trust?

Working out carpet costs

Landlords' family moving in?

Tenants' overstaying friends

Warning other landlords?

Surprised by letting fee

Tenant doesn't want heat pump

42-day notice on sale?

Key return on early exit?

Mortgagee sale's tenancy issues

Debt payments dried up

Sub-tenant's rights?

Mouldy house

Damage repairs

Sanitary concerns

Obligated to tenant?

Taking over tenancy

Clean drinking water please?

Unsure if bond lodged

42-day notice timing?

Unexpected departure!

Broken washing machine

Hot water changes

Sub-tenant eviction

Giving notice

Receipts for Tribunal claim?

Early return

Who pays temporary accommodation for EQC repairs?

Is lying on references criminal?

Unfair exit for tenants?

Whose problem is mould?

Demanding landlord

No inspection notice given!

Shared hot water

Landlords' bad inspection timing!

GST charged on rent?

Landlord not up to scratch

Hot water leak - who pays?

Pedantic on three days rent arrears

Taking on fixed-term tenancy

Can we get our bond back?

Landlord pushing her luck

Where do I stand?

Bad flatmate needs to go

Cold air coming in

Problem flatmate

Rent to buy information?

Landlord's heating obligations?

Unfair 42-day notice?

Early tenancy exit?

Insulation issues

Multi-tenancy power split?

Disputed rent increase

Clean and fair exit please

Unfair letting fee?

Forged signature for bond refund

Listing chattels

Student flat heating

Cold comfort

Notice on a fixed term?

Unsuitable inspection time

Legalities on house sharing

Subletting breach

Who pays for water damaged TV?

Genuine written notice?

Hoarding tenant

Tenancy mediation scheduling

Open home hassles

Ripped wallpaper

Rules around rent increases?

Open home issues

Interruption to quiet enjoyment

Obstructed access issues

Powerline pressure

Unsure of landlord's intentions

Exiting a Fixed-Term Tenancy

Leaking roof destroyed books, grounds for a tribunal case?

Is an unsigned tenancy agreement enforcable?

Liability for repairs

Changes to waste water charges in Manukau

Liability explained for water service fees and sewage fees

Mad about a meter

Noisy Neighbours

Breaking a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for removal of rubbish?

Tenant Checking Pre-Tenancy

Pool Safety Regulations and Obligations

Can we be evicted if the house sells?

How do I resolve encroachment from my neighbors?

Can the date be amended on a fixed term contract?

Trials and tribulations with Tenancy Tribunal

This is just wrong

Bond: Unlodged?

Ending a fixed-term tenancy

Fixed term tenancy and noise issues

Who pays for chimney cleaning?

Can tenants attach any fixtures to the premises?

Tenants' objecting to renovations

Short term tenancies

Offerings for new landlords

Reasonable rental inspections

Regulation for property managers?

Responsibility for damage caused by damp property

No escape from the house of horror

Mopping up a mess

Carpet conundrum

Who is the Chief Executive referred to in S121 of RTA?

What are landlords's responsibilities regarding heating?

Can I terminate a fixed-term tenancy by notice?

How much notice is given if landlord wants to renovate and live in rental?

Landlord inspections

Cleanliness standards when negotiating contracts

Liability issues of fencing for safety

Overcoming access issues with tenants when selling a rental

Adding cleanliness conditions to RTA agreements

Who is responsible for payment of filling water tanks?

Are landlords allowed a key if locks changed?

Correct procedures for issuing termination notices

Is my agreement valid if one co-owner has not signed?

Enforcement of Tenancy Tribunal Orders

Can tenants be enforced to not use a fireplace?

Rental agreement terms to be met by both landlord and tenant

Offsetting rental income costs against maintenance agreement

Solving 'quiet enjoyment' versus 'access for renovations' issues

Liability over fallen fence in high winds

Carpet cleaning clause

Agreeing to break a fixed-term tenancy

Tools for first-time landlords

Avoiding problems with flatmates

Who pays for temporary accommodation whilst rental repairs carried out?

Do landlords pay to accommodate tenants whilst repair work carried out?

Who pays for water-tank usage?

How can I challenge an unjust Tribunal decision?

How do I set up a tenancy for multiple students?

How do I recover unpaid rent?

Responsibility for paying for fire damage

How often should I carry out property inspections?

Securing tenant's property for nonpayment of rent

Holiday rentals covered under RTA?

My rental bach was trashed, what can I do?

My landlord hasn't lodged my bond, what can I do?

Boundary issues

Property manager not following procedures

Electrical appliance safety for rental properties

Fire damaged my flat, what can I do?

Commercial rent arrears

Can I break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for the costs of a plumber?

Where can I access sales statistics?

The ultimate answer: who pays for water charges?

Do I have recourse for fixed-tenancy being ended early?

Who pays for a broken garage remote?

Is it a standard practice to charge Document Charges?

How does subletting affect a tenancy agreement?

How much notice do I have to give?

Who covers security costs?

Holding passport as security

Where can I find out more about Housing NZ Leasing?

Fixed-term tenancies and rent increases

Can I get an insulation subsidy?

How can I prove a verbal agreement?

Who pays for damages after a burglary?

How can I recover rent arrears?

What recourse do I have for un-permitted alterations?

Who is responsible for pest fumigation?

If renting to students, how can I guarantee rent payment?

Who pays for water usage for lawn maintenance?

What is an acceptable escalation clause for raising rent?

What's the law on appointing an agent whilst overseas?

I have detected a P-lab in my rental, what do I do now?

Who is liable for damage caused to carpets?

What are our rights as property owners?

How do I prove water usage?

How do I define rent increase?

Can a landlord permit a tenant to find another tenant to replace them?

Who pays for the swimming pool chemicals in a rental?

Do WINZ pay rent into landlords account directly?

How can we get our tenant to pay on time?

How much of the bond can the landlord keep?

How do I check prospective Tenants?

Who is responsible for fumigation of infestation?

Should I pay rent on top of my mortgage?

Where can I find info about the landlord subsidy for insulation?

Can we evict our flatmate lawfully?

Who pays for installation of a water meter?

Who can advise me about property management issues?

How can I get my landlord to insulate the property?

Where can I get advice about insulation?

Property manager has not increased rent as asked, what can I do?

What are my rights regarding repairs?

What's the deal with Housing corp tenants?

How do I join a property investor association?

Do I have to pay a letting fee?

Can my tenants break a fixed term tenancy?

Who pays for smashed windows?

Why wouldn't the tenancy tribunal adjudicator let us speak?

Who is repsonsible for maintanence?

Who pays for a water leak?

Am I liable to pay insurance costs?

How can I get my bond back?

Am I liable for 7 years of back rent?

My tenant doesn't pay rent on time, what can I do?

Who should pay for water charges?

Should I set up LAQC if I take in a tenant?

Tenants want rent reduced, can they demand this?

Can I visit my rental without notice for maintenaince purposes?

Who should pay for a toilet leak, landlord or tenant?

How can I recover rent arrears?

My tenant died leaving damage, what can I do?

How can I cancel a periodic tenancy?

What can be done about an abusive neighbour?

Am I obliged to provide a reference for former tenant?

As a tenant, am I obliged to have contents insurance?

Letting fee paid but lease unsigned, how can I get my letting fee back?

How can I check out potential tenants?

Who pays for water charges?

Whare can I find info about sub-letting?

What are my rights reagrding my landlord's conduct?

As a landlord, am I obliged to furnish flats?

Can I end my fixed tenancy due to an insect infestation?

Is there a resource center for market rental rates?

Can we include a compulsory insurance clause in a tenancy agreement?

How do I resolve a boundary issue with my neighbour?

How do I enforce a 'no parties' clause with my tenants?

What recourse do I have against squatters?

Who is responsible for sweeping the chimney?

A faulty fire alarm raised the fire service, who pays for this?

How do I find data on tenants?

How do I end my fixed term tenancy agreement?

How do I enforce debt recovery from former tenants?

My tenant trashed the house, but I don't have a tenancy agreement, what can I do?

Are capital expenses for renovation tax deductable?

What recourse do I have against poor property management?

Apartment rents differ in my block, is this fair?

How do I handle difficult neighbours?

My rental is not clean, is the property manager accountable?

Is it wise to have a tenancy agreement amongst family and friends?

Is there any protection from land rent increases?

What circumstances would result in the tenant not having to pay a periodic lease?

Is a landlord obliged to give notice for maintainance?

My ex-landlord hasn't returned my bond, what can I do?

TV Antennae installation - who is liable for damage caused?

How do I set up tenancies for individual rooms?

What are my obligations when raising rents?

How do I resolve conflict with neighbours?

If unable to pursue tenant, who pays for water usage debt?

Should I charge tenants for damage to property?

How do I resolve disputes with my landlord?

How can I lawfully raise the bond amount?

What is the usual rent formula for commercial property.

Water Charges: who pays for what?

Blocked basin: whos pays the costs to clean?

Pest control obligations for tenants and landlords

Landlords' recourse for late paying tenants

Can I terminate my fixed term agreement early?

Can I dispose of tenant's belongings they left behind?

My tenants can't pay on time, what recourse do I have?

Under 18 year old tenants, how risky is this option?

Can I sue the developer for water leakage?

Fully-Furnished: what are landlords' obliged to provide?

Where can I get insurance that covers willful damage by tenants?

I bought an ex-showhome and it leaks, what can I do?

Falsely accused of damage to rental, what recourse do I have?

Insurance policies for Landlords

Mis-managed by my property managers, can I sue for malpractice?

Can live-in landlords have tenancy agreements with flatmates?

How do I resolve issues with my tenants?

Who is responsible for damage to property?

What rights does a Landlord have regarding reference checking tenants?

Can I give references about previous tenants?

Can a tenant end a fixed-term tenancy early?

Where can I get insurance for my property investment?

How can I find former tenants who defaulted on payments?

Landlords' responsilbilites regarding water tanks

Landlords' obligations for removing mould

Problems with your property manager?

Contact info for property management advice

When can landlords enter a rented property?

What is Power of Attorney and do I need it?

Service for UK tenants requiring advice

What is the definition of a short term tenancy?

How do I get my landlord to ensure my quiet enjoyment?

Bad tenants and how to avoid them

What are my obligations in respect to bad tv reception?

Who pays for repairs after a burglary?

Who is responsible for vacating tenants on a sold property?

Water leak, who pays for excess useage?

Water Rates, the saga continues..

Renting a sleep-out

Tenancy agreement issues

Terminating tenancy agreement guidelines

Careless or intentional damage by tenants, who is responsible?

What is a letting fee and why should I pay?

Insurance to protect landlords

My property manager has not been doing inspections..

Waste water bills, landlord's or tenant's responsibility?

Finding a property manager

Selling a tenanted property

Management fees on commercial property

Recovering fees for enforcing tenancy orders

Who is responsible for wastewater bills?

Bond disputes and how to resolve them

Recourse for landlords whose tenants burn down the house

Enforcement procedures for debtor leaving NZ

Access to drinking water in a commercial property

Higher than usual water bill

Sub-leasing on a fixed term tenancy agreement

Can a Landlord charge admin fees to tenant?

Access issues when selling a tenanted property

Legislation pertaining to leasehold apartments

Tenancy dispute over 'fair wear and tear'

Advice on selling rental properties with tenants

Insurance cover on rental properties

Faulty fridge, who pays for repairs?

Previous tenant owes rent, what can I do?

Can I throw away a previous tenants belongings?

Can I claim expenses while living in my rental property?

Commercial use of space in a residential property

Enforcement of civil debt

Water rates, who pays for what?

Tenancy disputes due to no-fault fire

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner - Part 2

Can WINZ pay rents direct to Landlord?

Do I need to pay rent as a part-owner?

Can we charge the ex-tenant for removing their property?

Selling during fixed-term agreement?

Unhappy with sale process

Tenant's trespass notice

Recovering arrears overseas

Does RTA cover cabins?

Fire exit blocked

Property Advice

First investment property

Using rental for business

Apartment investing

Invest or pay mortgage?

Choosing strategies

Becoming a landlord

Adding value

Power supply rights

Getting into investing

Deck safety

Strategic moves

Capital gain prospects

Investing in Hamilton units

Ensuring working order

Where to invest?

Regional investing

Picking a location

UK to NZ fund transition

Usable equity

Is repair work deductible?

Refinancing from Australia

Grey Lynn dilemma

Cross lease term

Selling from overseas

To sell or to hold?

Better to build or rent?

Commercial wear & tear

Maximising capital gains

Investing in Queensland

Purchasing a second house

Unitary Plan changes

Buying for capital gain

Rental charge rule

Shared fence issues

Helping family into a home

Check residence compliance

Meth and Tenancy Agreements

Suspect damage claims

Time to sell?

Secondary dwelling value

Sell or hold?

Newbie tactics

Safety compliance

Roof share

Cross lease risk

Getting educated

Rental losses

Stepping into apartment investing

Habitable property?

Non permitted sleep out

Sell or hold?

Investing in Rolleston

Getting into investment

Insulation requirements

Think before selling up

Worthwhile investment?

Where to invest?

Pukekohe vs Hamilton

$200,000 to invest

Using cash reserves

Buyer beware on mortgagee sale

Moving to Hamilton

Numbers on crosslease

Hamilton v Tauranga

Build or buy?

Trading property

Looking to future

Is time to buy now?

Seeking growth "loop holes"

Hold or sell property?

Pukekohe section plan

Where to buy?

Crunching the yield numbers

Shifting equity advantages?

Family home security

Buy cashflow, capital gain or a home?

Hold or sell now?

High yield or capital growth?

In or out?

Capital advice?

Creating wealth

What's better - units or house?

Is west best?

Dishwashers, heating and credit checks ...

Self manage or property manager?

Investing from afar?

Investment property comes first?

Investment in Philippines?

Furnished v unfurnished?


Lost income claim

Missed inspection cover

Shortfall liability

Cover for dodgy work?

Insuring damage

Extent of cover

Rising premiums

Insurance for tenants

Spa damage liability

Damage liability claims

Sub-let carpet worry

Insurance requirements

Meth damage claim confusion

Landlord liability

Insurance confusion

Tenant damage claims

Getting landlord insurance right

Policy confusion

Commercial insurance

Hotel apartment liability

Liability anomaly

Multi-unit insurance option

Landlord insurance in jeopardy

Work delays' loss of rent

Insurance for burnt properties

Rental contents insurance

Inspections missed

Short-term rental damage claim

EQ repairs' loss of rent?

Loss of rent in EQC repairs

Delay in company insurance claim

Apartment water leak

Deliberate damage dilemma

Low insurance value

Incidental carpet damage

Granny flat insurance

Glass repairs

Smashing apartment claim

Claiming valuable items?

Builders risk insurance

Leaky apartment problem

Waiting on EQC repairs

Market value policies

Damage from burst pipe and dampness

Seeking landlord insurance

Liable for damage to our rental

Landlord responsible for fire damage?

Earthquake compliance concerns

Faulty wiring - "nothing has been done"

Whole house carpet damage

Christchurch rental "tricky one"

Liability for tenants' fire loss?

Cashflow assurances after earthquake?

Comeback on tenant damage?

Tenant flood damage

Ruling on pen marks

Dog’s breakfast floors

Taking cover

Carpet stains

Preventing a mess

Reviewing cover

Commercial cover?

Waste disposal damage


Lost income claim

Missed inspection cover

Shortfall liability

Cover for dodgy work?

Insuring damage

Extent of cover

Rising premiums

Insurance for tenants

Spa damage liability

Damage liability claims

Sub-let carpet worry

Insurance requirements

Meth damage claim confusion

Landlord liability

Insurance confusion

Tenant damage claims

Getting landlord insurance right

Policy confusion

Commercial insurance

Hotel apartment liability

Liability anomaly

Multi-unit insurance option

Landlord insurance in jeopardy

Work delays' loss of rent

Insurance for burnt properties

Rental contents insurance

Inspections missed

Short-term rental damage claim

EQ repairs' loss of rent?

Loss of rent in EQC repairs

Delay in company insurance claim

Apartment water leak

Deliberate damage dilemma

Low insurance value

Incidental carpet damage

Granny flat insurance

Glass repairs

Smashing apartment claim

Claiming valuable items?

Builders risk insurance

Leaky apartment problem

Waiting on EQC repairs

Market value policies

Damage from burst pipe and dampness

Seeking landlord insurance

Liable for damage to our rental

Landlord responsible for fire damage?

Earthquake compliance concerns

Faulty wiring - "nothing has been done"

Whole house carpet damage

Christchurch rental "tricky one"

Liability for tenants' fire loss?

Cashflow assurances after earthquake?

Comeback on tenant damage?

Tenant flood damage

Ruling on pen marks

Dog’s breakfast floors

Taking cover

Carpet stains

Preventing a mess

Reviewing cover

Commercial cover?

Waste disposal damage

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